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"Do you want to maybe sit down?" Lisa leaned in. My cheeks burned with how close she was. I frowned and pushed her away, making me lose my own balance. Lisa reached out and grabbed my arms steadying me, "Alright, we're going home." she decided with a hint of annoyance in her voice. She set me down at a booth while she let Teddy and Bambam know that we were leaving.

The room started spinning and I thought I was going to be sick. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, tilting my head back and willed myself not to throw up.

"Hey, let's go." Lisa reappeared, her voice always calm and soothing. I let her lead me through the bar, both of her hands on my waist making sure that I didn't bump into other people. She walked to the curb trying to hail a cab, but the streets didn't look too busy right now. I was leaning on the brick wall, "Can't you see? There aren't any cars going by."

She turned around and glared at me, "At least I'm doing something."

I narrowed my eyes at her, "You have some nerve copping an attitude with me right now."

She walked towards me with anger in her eyes, "That's rich coming from you, don't think that I haven't picked up on your snarky comments all night."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as she stood in front of me expecting an explanation. She raised her eyebrows, "Well? What the hell was your problem tonight? Because it looked like you were more interested in getting plastered than actually watching me play tonight."

I felt my anger rising as I let go, "Oh, I didn't realize that you could see me drinking, seeing as you were busy making eyes at literally everyone!" I snapped

She scoffed but I cut her off, "Don't even act like you don't know what I'm talking about!"

"But I actually don't know what you're talking about!" She yelled. She looked around and noticed that people were walking past us giving us weird looks so she took me by the arm and dragged me back towards the vestibule of the bar.

She put her hands on my shoulders, "What on earth are you talking about?"

"I thought you liked me." I said in a quiet voice, never in my life have I ever felt like a pathetic loser. I had a lot to drink tonight and with liquid courage in me, I was ready to spill everything. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes, "The way you looked at me, it just made me feel like something was there. But then I saw you looking at Jisoo and Bambam tonight and it just..." I looked up into her eyes, "Did I get it wrong?"

Lisa opened her mouth to speak but closed it, probably at a loss of words. The doors opened and a group of people walked past us. She looked down at the floor not saying anything. I blew out a breath and nodded my head, "I get it, ok." I put my hand on my forehead trying to process the rejection in my head quickly but with the alcohol in my system, it was posing as a problem. Or maybe I just didn't want to accept the rejection.

"Jennie.." she started and went to touch my arm but I moved out of the way. "No, please don't say anything." I laughed awkwardly, "I'm so embarrassed." I put my hands up to my cheeks knowing that my face was red from embarrassment. "Look, I really hope that this doesn't make things awkward between us, even though it probab..."

Before I could process what I was happening, Lisa leaned into me, cupping my face in her hands.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now