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Jennie I and pushed our bags onto the front porch where my mom and Lia stood, waiting for us to say goodbye.

"Alright, I think we're gonna head out." I gesture to the car, "I hope we can beat traffic."

Lia hugged me, "See you at Christmas, I guess?"

"You know, you could come to visit Jennie and me in Los Angeles sometime you know." I offered, "Well, Jennie might be busy, but if you ever want to hang out for a couple of days, just let me know and I'll pick you up."

Before I moved out the first time with Jungkook, Lia and I were close. She always came to me with advice on school, boys, and how to get mom to let up on the rules. We aren't as close anymore with the distance and I knew Lia missed the connection as much as I did.

She looked up at me, "Really?"

"Of course." I said with a smile.

"I'm probably going to be really annoying though." Lia replied.

"No doubt you're gonna be a pain in my ass." I agreed and shrugged my shoulders, "If anything you'll be extra annoying because we haven't seen each other in a while."

She laughed and nodded, "Yeah, you're probably right."

I hit her lightly on the arm, "Be good. I don't want any phone calls from mom talking about how much trouble you're making." She gave me a cheeky grin and nodded before making her way to Jennie.

Jennie and my mom pulled away, with both of their faces smiling. "Take care of my girl, Jennie. She may seem tough but she's a big pile of mush inside." Jennie laughed and looked at me, "You couldn't keep me away from Lisa even if you tried." I felt my face turn red and the butterflies in my stomach at her comment. She walked past me to go say bye to Lia but not before giving me a wink and smile.

"It was so nice to meet you, Jennie." I heard Lia say. "If you ever need ugly photos of my sister, I'm your girl."

I opened my mouth for a snarky reply when my mom held my face in her hands, "Have a safe trip, don't forget to call me and make sure..."

I laughed as I put my hand over hers, "I know mama, I know."

She let out an embarrassed laugh, "Ok." she looked me in the eyes, "Just... be happy."

I looked past at Jennie who was hunched over Lia's phone grinning. I looked back at mom, "I am, mama." Mom gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the forehead before she moved out of the way.

"Oh, you have to send me this one!" I heard Jennie say excitedly as I approached her and my sister. I put my hands around Jennie's waist, touching her like this seemed so natural. "I don't think it's in Lia's best interest to give you anything, babe." I leaned over Jennie and glared at my sister, "Not unless you want me to tell mom where you really were on New Years' Eve last year." I whispered.

Lia froze, then looked up at Jennie, "On second thoughts, these pictures aren't even embarrassing. They're actually kind of normal looking." she gave me a look before she slipped past us and stood next to our mom. Jennie laughed and shook her head. We took our bags and got into the car, Lia and mom walking arm and arm to see us off. I turned the car engine on and rolled down the window as my mom bent down to the window, "You be good, Lalisa. I don't want to be reading about all your shenanigans on the Tweet thingy."

I didn't even know my mom even knew what Twitter was, "Who is teaching you social media, mom?" I looked at Lia accusingly but she put her hands up in defence, "Don't look at me, I didn't teach her. I'm trying to get her off social media."

"How else am I supposed to know how you're doing? You never call me." she complained as she put her hands on her hips. Jennie leaned over me and smiled at my mom, "Don't worry, Chitthip. I'll keep an eye on her."

Mom grinned, "I knew I could count on you."

"I'll be good, mom." I let out a frustrated breath, "I'm always good." I added under my breath. Jennie giggled in the passenger seat beside me, while my mom narrowed her eyes at me, "What was that last part?"

"Nothing!" I put the gear in drive and my mom took a step back, "Bye Mama, I'll call you when we get home."

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