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As I reached the bottom of the contract, I couldn't help but make a comment, "No offense, but some of these clauses are really stupid."

I saw Jennie crane her neck, trying to see which ones I probably thought were stupid.

"Which ones?" Taehyung asked.

"I have to move in with Ms. Kim, go to every social outing with Ms. Kim, show an appropriate amount of PDA when in public." I read out loud. "Why do I have to move in with Ms. Kim? And I have to go to every social outing with her? I have a life too, you know."

"It's to keep up with appearances." Alison replied softly.

"Fine, but I refuse to do number 5 - quit any job that I currently have." I crossed my arms across my chest, "Absolutely not."

"It's just for a little while." Taehyung argued.

"And the people at the bar are my family. So, no. That is not up for discussion." I retaliated.

There was silence in the air as Taehyung and I sat glaring at each other.

"Let her keep her job." Jennie concluded. "She'll need some sort of familiarity for the time being."

I turned to her, shocked that she was on my side instead of her boyfriend's. "I'll let go of the music teaching job, but I'm keeping the bartending one." I compromised. Jennie nodded her head.

"Fine, but Joseph goes in with you every time." Taehyung said in a firm voice.

"I don't need a babysitter!" I spat back

"That's not what we mean." Jennie tried smoothing it over, "If you agree to this, your privacy will be compromised. We're talking about paparazzi and regular people asking questions not only about our relationship but personal questions about yourself." She gestured to Mr. Arnold look-alike with an open palm, "Joseph is there to make sure that they don't overstep their boundaries or get too rough."

I don't know what it was about this woman, but it made me succumb to everything she wanted.

I stared at the contract, this was crazy. A fake relationship for money? This couldn't be real. But I thought of my mom and Lia back in Chicago. Where they live in even worst conditions than my current abode. If I took the money, I could send them more money. Hell, I could even move them out here with me. We could live comfortably for a while.

"Where do I sign?" I picked up the pen.

Taehyung smiled, "Just right on the dotted line, sweetheart."

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now