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Jennie and I sat in the backseat in uncomfortable silence. My eyes met with Joe's hesitant ones in the rear-view mirror, pleading me to alleviate some of the tension in the car. I cleared my throat but Jennie spoke up first, "I really don't want to talk to you right now."

I sat frozen in my seat for a second because gone was any warmth in her voice.

Excuse me?

My face scrunched up as I looked at Joe's nervous eyes, "Wait, are you actually mad at me?"

Joe pulled up in front of Jennie's place but he didn't turn around. Jennie glared at me, "We will talk about this later." She turned her attention to Joe, "Thank you, Joseph. Have yourself a good night." She exited the car before I even had a chance to answer her.

"Good night, Ms. Kim." Joe responded.

I patted Joe's shoulder, "Sorry about the awkward car ride, Joe."

He turned and gave me a smirk, "See ya later, Lisa."

I shut the car door and walked quickly to catch the elevator with Jennie. I gave Arthit a quick wave as I walked past, towards the elevator. She had her arms crossed and was tapping her foot impatiently as she held the open door button on the elevator. I stepped in and the doors closed, narrowly missing the back of my shirt. I turned to Jennie, "I didn't appreciate you talking to me like a child in front of Joe."

"Joseph works for me, Lisa." She stepped out of the elevator, "And maybe if you could control your temper and act like an adult with Taehyung, then he wouldn't have had to witness me scolding you like that."

I scoffed at her, she couldn't be serious, right?

"Joe isn't my employee, he's my friend." I kicked my heels off, not caring if I resembled a rebellious teenager. "And please tell me that you're not actually serious about being mad at me." There was tension between us as I moved to the kitchen to make a late night snack.

"Are you trying to give excuses to your behaviour tonight then?" Jennie asked.

I opened my mouth shocked, "Are you serious? I was standing up for you, Jennie!" I started smearing peanut butter and jam on the loaves of bread angrily.

"I don't need you to stand up for me, Lisa!" Jennie countered.

"Really!? Because he was belittling your morals and feelings before I came outside! He was literally treating you like a doormat!" I licked jam off my thumb as I built my sandwich.

"What goes on between Taehyung and me is between us!" she said through clenched teeth.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes at her, "Whether you like it or not, thanks to your sneaky ass boyfriend, it is my business now." I grabbed a napkin as I sat down at the table.

Jennie walked to the table, "No, Lisa. My relationship with Taehyung is none of your business and I'd appreciate it if you knew your place and stayed in it!"

I lifted my sandwich to my mouth but stopped when I heard the attitude in her voice. "My place? I was standing up for you Jennie! I was on your side!"

"I didn't ask you to!" She yelled, "Newsflash, Lisa. We aren't actually in a relationship!" She pointed between the two of us, "The only kind of relationship we have is a contractual one, and if weren't for Taehyung's smart idea, we wouldn't have anything to do with each other at all." I watched her clench and unclench her jaw, "At least on my end!" she finished.

I nodded my head as I smiled sarcastically. Taking my sandwich, I wrapped it carefully in the napkin and stood up. "No, you didn't ask me to stick up for you." I slipped on my sneakers by the elevator door, "And maybe you're right, if it weren't for that douchebag you call your boyfriend, you probably wouldn't even talk to someone like me."

I stood up and looked her square in the face, "I stood up for you because I wasn't going to let him make a mockery out of your feelings or your problems because that's what friends do." I held up my hand up to my mouth dramatically as I caught my slip up, "Oh sorry, I meant business partners. God forbid someone who doesn't want money or fame from you, actually do care about you. You know what? You do deserve to be treated like a doormat by that ass wipe. Good for you, Jennie."

I walked to the elevator and stepped in when the doors opened. Jennie turned towards me, "Where are you going?" she asked in a tired voice.

I shook my head, with an unimpressed look on my face, "Sorry, it isn't in my contract to tell you where I am, all the time." The door closed just as Jennie was walking towards it which I didn't mind because I was done talking to her. The elevator doors opened and Arthit was the first person I saw. I pasted a smile on my face.

"Khuṇ Manoban, pretty late for you to be going out, don't you think?" (Miss)

I chuckled as I stopped by his desk, "Yeah, just going out to clear my mind."

He smiled at me, "Problems with Ms. Kim?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "You caught that, didn't you?"

He smirked, "It was kind of hard not to notice both of your facial expressions as you walked by." He leaned on the counter, "My advice? Talk it out and apologize."

My jaw dropped in mock surprise, "Nāy! You don't even know what happened and you automatically think I'm the one to blame? You're supposed to be on my side, you were my friend first!" (Mr)

He chuckled, "I haven't known you for very long Ms. Manoban, but I feel like you and I have the same type of personality. So to save you from the headache, just apologize."

I shook my head stubbornly, but he put his hand on my forearm, "Put your pride aside for love. Trust me, I've been married for 35 years and I've learnt that ego can be detrimental to a relationship."

I rolled my eyes, wanting to tell him that I didn't even have a relationship.

"Duly noted Nāy." I held up my wrapped sandwich, "Do you want a midnight snack? You know, in exchange for your advice." He nodded and accepted it as I walked towards the exit, "Have a good night Khuṇ!" he called out. I waved back and took out my phone out of my pocket hoping that Bambam would let me crash on his couch for the night. My mind replayed the conversation that I had with Arthit and the argument I had with Jennie. And I came to the conclusion that both Arthit and Jennie were wrong. Because I was just going to stand up for what I believe was right.

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