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I rubbed the top of my left arms knowing that my arm was probably bruised from the paintball session. I stomped to the car like a kid as Jennie ran up to catch up to me.

"You did that on purpose!" I turned to her while still rubbing my arm. She laughed, putting her around my shoulders, and rubbing the place on my arm that was sore.

"I promise I didn't, I was aiming for the chest padding but you turned at last minute." she replied, while still rubbing my arm. She opened the passenger door for me and I pouted, while crossing my arms as well. Jennie shook her head with a smile before shutting my door and walking around the car into the driver's seat.

"I apologize that I shot you in the arm." I could hear the sincerity in her voice.

I still had my arms crossed and although my arm was sore, I was in a mood mostly because I lost that paintball game, badly. I was so confident when we were putting on the protection gear only to have my ass handed to me. I wasn't mad at her that she shot me in the arm, I was just really embarrassed and my ego was bruised more than my arm was.

Jennie put her hand on my forearm, her fingertips soft on my skin, "Are you ok?" she asked quietly.

My eyebrows furrowed, "How are you so good at paintball?" I mumbled. In my peripheral vision, I could see her choke back a laugh.

"The first lead role that I got in a movie was a terrible teen spy movie and I had to do extensive theatrical firearms training." Her thumb stroked my forearm softly, "So, it was kind of like muscle memory for me."

I threw my hands up in frustration, "Is there anything that you aren't good at?" She narrowed her eyes at me, "Are you like, an undercover agent too or something?" I gave her a side-eye and saw her trying not to smile. Then she did something that made me smile. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to my arm, kissing it lightly. It reminded me of when Lia was little and would fall at the playground, scraping her knees on the pavement. After I patched her up, I would give her knee, or her palm a kiss to make it feel better.

Jennie sat up straight in her seat again, the smile on my face more pronounced. "Sorry." I started, "I didn't mean to make you feel bad." I squirmed in my seat, "I just don't like to lose." I grumbled.

She laughed, "I know." she put her seatbelt on, "I'm very aware of how much of a sore loser you are." She stole a glance at me, "And to be honest, it was a bit of payback for being a little shit in the car before we went in."

I laughed out loud and pointed an accusing finger at her, "I knew it!"

She took my hand and gave it a kiss, "I really tried to only aim at the places that didn't hurt too much."

"Really? Because I felt literally everything. I mean, you take my breath away every day but when you got me three times in the chest, you literally knocked the air out of me."

She gave me an apologetic smile, "Yeah, I felt really bad after that."

I smirked, "So, I guess with my fighting skills and your firearm skills, we're a pretty deadly duo."

"Absolutely." she grinned, turning on the car on. She slid her sunglasses back onto her face, "Now, where are we eating, loser?"

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now