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Lisa, Lia, Chitthip, and I sat around the dinner table, while passing around cartons of Chinese food.

"I'm telling you mama, when I was staying here, Lisa was cooking." Lia put down the sweet and sour pork container, "Like with pots, pans, and spatulas! And it looked like she knew what she was doing!"

"Why didn't she cook for her beloved mother then?" she gave Lisa a pointed look.

"We came back too late mama." Lisa explained as she scooped Kung Pao chicken onto her plate. Chitthip gave her an unimpressed look before her attention was back on the plate in front of her. I looked over and Lisa was mouthing some choice words to her sister. I stifled a laugh and reached over to hold Lisa's hand to get her to stop.

"Did you find a place that all of you liked?" I asked openly.

"We did! I mean we had to go to five places to find one we all liked." Lia piped up.

"Yeah, we all have our own rooms and the kitchen is beautiful." Lisa added.

"Yes, but it also means that it's a bigger place for me to clean." Chitthip nagged.

"Now that you bring it up, why do we need 3 rooms? Are you moving in?" Lia asked Lisa with a confused look. I stopped chewing, wondering how we were going to get out of this question. I saw Lisa visibly tense up in my peripheral vision before she shook it off and sat up straight, "Wow, is a room too much to ask for? Oh, I get it, you wanted me to pay for the place and just screw off, right?"

Chitthip frowned, "Lalisa, watch your language and Lia, you could have worded that better." Both Lisa and Lia rolled their eyes and I couldn't help but laugh. Lisa leaned in close to me, "Remind me why I wanted to move them out here." she mumbled.

I nudged her lightly and shook my head with a smile. "So, when is the big move?" I asked.

"In a couple of days hopefully." Lia answered.

"That's great!" I faked my enthusiasm which made Lisa look at me and give me a weird look. I ignored her and continued, "I'll help out as much as I can."

"Oh no no! That's alright." Chitthip exclaimed waving her arms, "We don't expect you to and we understand that you're very busy."

I smiled and shook my head, "I'm never too busy for anything that Lisa needs." I looked over at her lovingly and she blushed. If there was one thing that I learned from Lisa, it was if you truly cared about someone, you would make time for them. No matter what.

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