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I strutted into the building that Taehyung worked at with Alison by my side like I was on a mission.

"Excuse me, you can't go in there without an appointment!" his secretary yelled. I gave her a once over. It was nice to finally put a face of the person who was sending me apology flowers on Taehyung's behalf.

"Shut up, gremlin!" Alison glared at her.

I stopped walking and looked behind me, giving Alison a stern look. She rolled her eyes, "Sorry..." she mumbled to the woman.

We walked down the hall and followed Taehyung's voice to his office. It sounded like he was talking to someone but I didn't care if he was in an important meeting right now. He never made me a priority in his life nor respected me, and now I was going to show him that he doesn't have the upper hand and I do not give a damn about his image as a politician.

"You promised me money if I helped you break Lisa and Jennie up!"

"And you'll get your damn money!"

"You said that I would get half upfront then half when it was done! I've kept my end of the deal. I threatened Jennie to leave Lisa! Now, you better pay up!"

I narrowed my eyes when I recognized both of the voices. Without thinking, I slammed the door open with my hand and found Mina Myoi sitting in the chair in front of Taehyung's desk. I shook my head and laughed with humour, "This is low, even for you." if looks could kill, Taehyung would've been dead on the spot, considering how I was glaring daggers at him.

"I don't even know you but I know that you're an awful person." I turned my attention to Mina. Without a second glance, I made my way out of the office. Taehyung got up from his seat and started running after me, "Honey, I had no choice! It felt like she was taking you away from me! Please let me explain!"

He grabbed my arm and turned me around, but I came back at him swinging my arm around, my hand connecting with his cheek. He let go of my arm and stumbled back from the slap that I just gave him.

"Don't you dare touch me! She didn't take me away from you. I'm deciding for myself to leave you!" I stopped to catch my breath, "For 5 years, you kept me on the back-burner because your family was more important, your career was more important, and even your damn image was more important than the woman you claim to love!"

There were tears in my eyes, "If you really love me, you'll let me go. I'm not asking for your permission but I want your manipulation to stop! We had 5 years together and up until the very end, you're only ever looking out for yourself. I don't want you delivering flowers to me anymore, I don't want you calling me to take you back, and I don't want you sending people to threaten the people that I love! Do you understand me!?"

I turned around and to my surprise, Yoo-jung Kim was standing in the hallway looking totally shell shocked. I stood up straight and pulled my shoulders back.

"Good luck with him, I hope you don't mind faking your orgasms." I said as I walked past her. She looked at me with a horrified expression on her face but I had no time for this anymore. I've wasted too much time on this whole situation.

"Attention everybody! Taehyung Kim is bad in bed!" Alison yelled through her cupped hands. I grabbed her arm, "Stop that." we walked down the hall past the waiting area where Taehyung's secretary was sitting at her desk.

"Miss Kim."

Alison and I turned around.

"I just wanted to apologize. I never wanted to snoop through your apartment for the contract but Mr. Kim threatened to fire me and I really need this job." her voice was shaky, "It's not the best job, but it pays the bills you know?"

"He made you break into her apartment?!" Alison was about to make her way back to his office but I held onto her arm. "Let it go." I replied.

"It's alright." I turned my attention back to the woman in front of me, "It's fine. I've washed my hands clean of Mr. Kim. I want nothing to do with him from today onwards." I turned to leave while dragging Alison beside me.

"For what it's worth, I've always told him that flowers weren't a proper apology!" she yelled after me. I looked over my shoulder and gave her a small smile.

"I can't believe you just said all of that to him. Did you rehearse all of it?" Alison asked while pushing the exit doors open.

I smirked, "Believe it or not, I didn't. It was just all of this pent up anger and frustration that I've harboured for 5 long years."

Alison held her fist out, "Nice!"

I shook my head with a smile and bumped her fist with mine. Before we walked into this building, it felt like there was this unnecessary pressure I had on my chest. But now I felt free like I could finally breathe again.

"So, where to now?" Alison asked when we get into the car.

I pulled the seatbelt across my chest, "Lisa's place."

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