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When I got out of the shower, Lisa wasn't in bed anymore but I heard music playing softly in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen while I dried my hair with a towel. Lisa was in front of the stove, wearing an oversized t-shirt and shorts. She swayed her body to the music playing in the background as she flipped an omelette,

"Oh yeah!"

I laughed as I stood beside her, "Can I help with anything?"

"Good morning!" She smiled at me and fixed my hair, "Your hair is in a mess." she laughed. "Do you want to get started on the pancakes?"

I moved around her to put little pancake batter circles in the pan next to Lisa. I looked over at the omelette in her pan and remembered her flipping it before I walked into the kitchen. "What are the chances that I can flip this batch?"

She glanced over at me, "You won't." She flipped the egg in her pan, adding to the insult, "Not everyone has this gift."

I scoffed, "I bet you that I can."

She gave me an unimpressed look, "Bet accepted. Loser owes the winner a dinner."

I loosened up my arms, for no particular reason and shook the pan to make sure the bottom didn't stick. "Get ready for greatness." I said as I lifted the pan up. We both watched as three half-ready pancakes sailed through the air. Two landed safely into the pan and the last piece bounced off of my forehead, then back into the pan.

I turned to her, with raw pancake batter on my forehead then set the pan back down, "Told ya." I have the worst hand-eye coordination so how I managed to pull that off, I have no idea. But that will probably be one of the greatest moments of my life.

Her mouth was wide open at what she just witnessed. She shook her head and pointed to the pan, "That soooo doesn't count."

I wiped the batter off my forehead with the back of my hand, "Why not!"

She chuckled as she helped me get some batter I missed on my forehead, "Because your forehead sling shot it back into the pan."

I frowned, "It was an assist and they all ended up in the pan." I put my hands on my hips and smirked, "You never said that it had to be a clean flip. I just had to get them all to land into the pan."

She scoffed and turned back to her pan, "You're the biggest cheater."

I put the pan down on the stove and moved around her, "And you owe me dinner." before I could stop myself, I placed a quick kiss on her cheek. "I... I didn't m.." I stuttered.

"Good morning." Lia yawned sitting down at the table.

We both whipped around so fast, "This isn't what it looks like!" Lisa spat out. Lia gave her a weird look and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"How did you sleep?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Like a baby." she smiled, "I can't believe that I slept over at Jennie Kim's house."

Lisa placed the omelette on a plate, "Speaking of which, how long are you planning on sleeping at Jennie Kim's house?" she asked without turning around.

"Already kicking your little sister out?" she questioned while picking up a piece of toast.

"Yeah, I suddenly remembered why I moved out." she joked and cracked another egg into the pan. Lia's eyes widened and started choking on the orange juice she was drinking. "Who are you and what have you done with my sister!" she pointed an accusing finger at Lisa.

I tilted my head in confusion.

"Lisa never cooks! In the 16 years that I've been alive, I've never seen Lisa cooking. Like ever!" she explained to me. She reached across the table and held my hand, "How did you domesticate the wild beast!?"

I choked out a laugh while Lisa swatted her hand away from mine, "Ungrateful punk." she mumbled under her breath. I laughed at their interaction, Lia brought out a maternal side to Lisa that I've only seen a glimpse of since we started this relationship. And I really liked seeing this side of her.

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