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I pulled the doors to the bar open, knowing that it was slow at the bar right now so it would give me the perfect opportunity to talk to Teddy.

"Uh oh, trouble just walked in." I heard Teddy say from behind the bar.

I smirked and took a seat at the bar, "I take offense to that. I'm an angel."

Teddy polished a pint glass in his hand with a playful smirk, "What brings you around here? Are you scheduled today?"

I shook my head with a smile, "Do I need a reason to see your handsome face?"

"You're complimenting me, this can't be good." he put the glass down and put his hands on the bar.

I grimaced, "It depends on how you see it." I nodded behind me, "Can we talk in your office?"

He was already walking from around the bar, heading in the direction towards his office. "Should I sit down for this?" his voice is still light and playful. I shrugged and took a seat myself, which he followed suit.

"I just finished a job interview with Park Records & Co." I blurted out as soon as he sat down, "And I got it." I looked down at my hands guiltily. The bar had been my second home for the last seven years. I remember when I first started, I lost count of how many glasses I had broken, how many beers I've spilled, and how many times I've had to call a taxi for drunk patrons. Through it all, I've had Teddy watching over me, making sure that customers never got too much for me to handle. I was going to miss the bar, but I was going to miss Teddy the most.

He smiled, "That's great to hear, Lisa."

"It is?" I mean it was great, for me, but not really for him.

He chuckled, "Of course. It's a great opportunity for you."

I'm not sure why, but I felt hurt. I thought he would've at least protested when I told him that I was quitting. He started laughing when I didn't answer, "Don't get me wrong, Lisa. We're going to miss you here. I'm going to miss you." He folded his hands on his desk and leaned forward, "But you were always meant to do something bigger and better than work at a local bar."

I was quiet, I was excited to start working at a huge recording company, but a small part of me was scared. For the last seven years, Teddy and Bambam had been right beside me. I didn't want them to leave me. Almost as if Teddy could read my thoughts, he spoke up, "You can do it, Lisa. There's nothing to be scared of."

"But what if I totally suck at this new job?" I asked in a tiny voice. My eyes widened, "What if I'm so bad that they fire me on the first day?"

Teddy laughed and stood up from his chair, taking a seat on the edge of his desk in front of me, "Then there's always a spot here for you, but you'll be great. I just know it." He gave me a hug and it caught me off guard for a second because Teddy wasn't one to give out hugs often. The most affection I've ever gotten from him was a pat on the back or a high five.

"Just don't throttle any of your superiors and you'll be fine." he whispered in my ear before he let go.

"Thanks for the advice, Teddy." I laughed.

"How did Bambam take it when you told him that you were quitting?" he asked.

I cringed, "He didn't take it very well, but I promised him that I'd still be the lead singer for his band."

When I told Bambam, he was happy for me but when it clued in that we wouldn't be working together anymore, it brought his mood down almost immediately. He's like a brother to me and I could tell it hurt him that I was leaving and it took confirming multiple times that I would still be the singer for his band that he finally started to relax and celebrate with me.

Teddy smile and crossed his arms, "That's great! You won't completely disappear."

I wagged a finger at him, "You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."

He laughed, "I didn't think so. Let's have a drink before you leave." We left his office and he set a bottle of beer in front of me. Talking to Teddy calmed down my anxiety about starting at a new workplace, knowing that I had Jennie, Bambam, my family, and now Teddy's support.

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