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I'm not sure how my mom found out that Lia lied, but I wasn't surprised. I was honestly shocked that it took her a couple of days to figure it out. Lia had already been staying with us for a couple of days and I was supposed to bring her back tonight when I got a call from my mom.

So here she was, sitting across the table from Lia and me. She had a pensive look on her face, "Thī̀rạk, I can't agree with you buying us a place to live here." (Dear)

Lia was about to protest but I put a hand up to stop her, "Why not, mama?"

She leaned forward, "Because I can't with good conscience ever put that burden on you."

"You wouldn't mama, I promise." I reached across the table and held her hands, "I'm just tired of not being able to see you and Lia as often as I'd like to." I knew it was wrong to use this tactic on my mom because I knew this would soften her up.

"And Lisa could help me with college preparation and all that stuff." I winked at Lia, that was a good touch.

"And where would you be getting that money from, Lisa?"

"I make really good money now ma. Let me take care of this for you." It wasn't technically a lie, with the money that I was getting from Taehyung Kim that is.

Mom sighed and closed her eyes, "I'm not changing either of your minds, am I?"

Lia and I looked at each other with a smile on our faces, "Not a chance, ma."

Mom put her hands up in defeat, "Fine." She pointed at me, "But I expect you and Jennie to be at dinner every weekend."

"Deal." I stood up and hugged her. Both of us relieved that this was one less thing we had to worry about. She pulled away and looked up at me, "Such a generous daughter that I've raised." She gave my cheek a light pat before she turned to Lia.

"As for you..." she wagged a finger at her, "... just wait until we get home."

Lia stared at her, with her mouth open in surprise, "Me? What did I do!" Lia followed mom to the elevator.

"You lied about your sister and Jennie saying that it was ok to come and visit."

Lia looked at the floor guiltily, "They were alright with it once I got here, so what's the difference?" Mom narrowed her eyes at her, "Go get your things, we're going home." Lia sulked and walked towards her room to pack.

"You don't want to stay for dinner?" I asked my mom.

She shook her head, "It's a long drive home and I still need to lecture your sister when we get home." She pushed the elevator button, "Tell your sister that I'll be waiting in the car and if she isn't down there in 10 minutes, she's walking home on her own."

I hugged her as the doors opened, "Don't be so hard on her mama. It was quality time that we both needed." She grunted a response and got into the elevator, giving me a small motherly smile before the doors closed in the middle. I chuckled and shook my head, that was so typical of her. But I wouldn't change her for the world.

10 minutes later the elevator doors opened again and Jennie stepped into the living room.

"Hey, babe, welcome home."

She smiled, "Thanks." she pointed to the elevator doors, "I ran into your mom at the lobby on my way up." I nodded, "Mom caught Lia in her lie." I chuckled, "She drove all the way here to bring her back home."

She grimaced, "How much trouble is she in?"

"Not too much actually."

She nodded and put her purse down, "How was your day?"

I shrugged, "It was alright, how was yours?"

She nodded in agreement and fell onto the couch beside me, "There's a romantic scene that I have to film in a couple of days and I'm a little worried about it, like I'm so nervous about it that I can't remember my lines." I lifted her legs into my lap and started massaging them. I was shocked at how much tension there was in her legs. Was she training for a marathon before she came home?

"Why? You'll kill it." I continued massaging, "You always do."

"It's the first role I've ever had where I have a love line so it's really new to me." she let out a sigh, "You're really good at this." She leaned her head back on the couch.

I winked, "I'm really good with my hands."

WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!? Why did I say that!?!

We stared at each other, Jennie bit her lip so seductively that my hands stopped massaging.

"Eww..." Lia walked past us pulling her luggage.

I cleared my throat, "Because I play guitar and piano, I have strong fingers. That's what I meant..."I looked away, both flustered and a little disappointed that the moment was ruined. Jennie stood up, "Lia, I'm going to miss you so much." she enveloped her in a hug which she surprisingly reciprocated.

"You'll see me around." she pressed the button for the elevator.

"Hopefully not too soon..." I mumbled.

Lia raised an eyebrow in my direction and was about to say something but the elevator doors opened, "See ya, grouch."

Jennie turned around, "What did she mean when she said that I'll see her around?"

"We talked my mom into moving out here." I grinned.

"That's great!"

"Yeah." I chuckled, "It gives me a place to stay after this whole thing is over."

I saw Jennie's smile falter a little bit, but she immediately put on another smile, "Yeah, that's a good idea. Really practical." She pointed to the room that Lia was using for a couple of days, "If you need me, I'll be going over these lines."

I didn't get to answer because she scurried out of the room with her script. I tilted my head in confusion but decided to get ready for my gig tonight.

HOPE NOT | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now