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Taehyung – 1 month later

I stared at the package and the letter on my desk that Janice just dropped off at my office.

"It's been a pleasure, Mr. Kim." she said. I didn't even have to ask and I knew that one of the papers she dropped off at my desk was her resignation letter. I didn't try to stop her, mostly because I've been drunk since noon and it was now well past 7pm.

I didn't expect anything less, not with my life going in a downward spiral right now. It has been a little over a month since Jennie did that live stream on Instagram and my life has been turned upside down. It wasn't long until I got a very angry phone call from my father telling me that I've lost any chance that I had in politics, not with this scandal over my head.

I downed the rest of my drink and opened up Janice's resignation letter. It was very impersonal and straight to the point but I didn't think much of it. Janice was a diligent personal assistant but I treated her like shit. Oh well, it's not like I'm going to need a personal assistant any time soon.

I put Janice's resignation letter down and opened up the package. A piece of paper and a ring fell out of the opening. My heart stopped when I realized that it was the promise ring which I gave Jennie months ago, promising her a future together. I unfolded the paper carefully and at first glance, I saw that Jennie had written me a letter.


I never thought that I would have to write a breakup letter to you. I've gone over in my head so many times about how to go about this. I had every intention of taking the ring to the pawnshop or throwing it in the ocean but then I would remember the boy who took care of me the very first time that I met you at the frat party when I was too drunk. That was the guy that I fell in love with.

I used to admire how career-driven you were but it was only when Lisa came into my life, did I realize that a person can be both career-focused as well as make time for the people that they love. I've always wondered if you really loved me because if you did, why would you want to hide us? I came so close to asking you this question so many times in the past, but I was afraid of your answer. Deep down, I think I always knew what your answer would've been, but I just figured that ignorance is bliss.

You were my first love, Taehyung. Nothing will change that. I want to chalk it up to us growing apart rather than together but ultimately, I didn't like the way you treated me like I wasn't a priority in your life and maybe it's my fault for letting you get away with it, for so long.

I really hope that you treat the next woman in your life better than you treated me, because I do want you to be happy, Taehyung. I know that you're probably angry at Lisa and I, but you have no right to blame anyone except for yourself. You were the one who made the decision to bring Lisa and I together, and also the decision to release information that wasn't yours to share. Never in my life would I have thought that you are such a vindictive person.

As much as I'm angry and disappointed with you, I'm mostly just sad that our relationship ended like this. Take this last letter as a form of closure, you're free to respond but just know that you won't get an answer from me. I think it is best we move on and as a parting gift, I've somehow convinced Lisa not to sue you, for breaking the non-disclosure agreement that you drew up. I'd like to say that in a couple of years, perhaps we can reconnect as friends, but there's just way too much damage already done. So Taehyung, I really do wish the best for you.


I stared at the sheet of paper, my eyes reading her letter line by line over and over again. I couldn't even be mad at her, everything that she said in the letter was true and now I was paying the consequences of my actions or lack thereof.

She asked that I don't contact her anymore but I had no energy left for that. I had to figure out how to fix my life, but first, I needed another fucking drink.

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