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I placed the mug full of green tea in front of Mina who was looking around the room.

"So, you know Lisa?" I asked as I sat down across from her. She crossed her arms, with an unimpressed look on her face, "Unfortunately I do. She's a real piece of shit."

Immediately my guard is up and my anger rose but I forced myself to keep it down, "Don't talk about her like that." If looks could kill, she would've been dead on the spot.

"Frowning doesn't suit you, Jennie."

"I think you should leave." I replied inn a stern voice, "Lisa doesn't need terrible friends like you in her life, so don't count on me telling her that you stopped by."

I knew that it was the reaction she was looking for when I saw the amused expression on her face, "Wow, you really are a good actress." she started clapping obnoxiously, "And the award for doting girlfriend of the year goes to Jennie Kim, everyone."

I'm a strong believer that violence is never the answer but she was really getting under my skin. She looked around the room again, "Do you have an Oscar because that was definitely Oscar-worthy." When she turned back around, her face was blank and it scared me a little how fast she could switch from emotion to emotion.

"Alright, back to business." she said while reaching into her bag for an envelope. She threw it across to my side of the table, with the contents of the envelope peeking out from the top. "You're going to break up with Lisa."

I scoffed, "Now I know that you're crazy. Who do you think you are, trying to tell me what to do!?"

She sneered but didn't look bothered at my rejection. "Trust me, you're going to want to at least see what's in the envelope." she nodded to it with a sick smile. I didn't want to give in to whatever she was getting at, but my curiosity got the better of me. I huffed and snatched the envelope from the table, taking out the first piece of paper.

I gasped as I held the contract in my hand. I skimmed through it, hoping that this was just a fake one but when I got to the bottom, it had mine, Taehyung, and Lisa's signature signed neatly. "Where did you get this?" I asked with a shaky breath.

"I think the better question is what are you going to do, to ensure that I don't go to TMZ right now." she leaned forward, while folding her hands neatly in front of her. My first thought was to immediately call Taehyung, tell him that this lunatic person got her hands on the contract and I have no idea how she has it.

"Honey, you haven't even seen the best part." she said in a condescending tone. I glared at her and she pointed to the other papers in my hand. My throat went dry and I swore that my heart fell down to my butt when I flipped the page to find Lisa's adoption papers. I skimmed through the information that Lisa had already told me back at her house. "How did you get this!?" I looked up from the paper.

She just looked at me with a smirk on her face, so I stood up, "Why do you have this!!" I yelled. I remember Lisa telling me that only a handful of people knew about her being adopted and I had a very strong feeling that Mina wouldn't be one of them.

"Her own mother abandoned her because she loved drugs more than she loved her own daughter." She leaned back in her seat, "Can't say I saw that coming but it explains why she's so messed up. But there's nothing you could've done to prevent that, Bambam has told me stories about how wild she used to be in her younger days. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, am I right?"

"Shut your mouth!" I snarled. She didn't know the first thing about Lisa. If there was one thing I was certain of, it was that Lisa was the complete opposite of the person she described as Lisa's biological mother. Lisa did mention that because she worked at the bar, it was very easy to get her hands on hard drugs. When she saw the alarmed expression on my face she quickly added that she would never ever touch drugs, for fear that she'd end up like her biological mother.

"Sit down." she frowned.

I sat down, not because she told me to, but because my legs couldn't hold me up anymore. I had no energy in them after finding out that this monster knew everything.

"As I was saying..." she put her elbows on the table, "... you're going to break up with Lisa, or else I'll release these papers to the public. Every major tabloid, newspaper, magazine, and don't get me started with the shit storm it's going to cause online. Not to mention that you have a movie to be released early next year, right? Talk about extreme bad publicity."

My head was spinning, this was a bad dream. This wasn't real.

"But most importantly, what will the LGBT+ community think?" She blew out a breath dramatically, "You both have made a fool out of them, didn't you?"

I looked down at my hands guiltily because it's true, we did. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, "Since you know that this is a fake relationship, what makes you think that we'll continue seeing each other?" I replied with as much bravado as I could muster up. "Lisa is already started moving some of her stuff out of here."

"I overheard her gushing to Bambam about your relationship and she mentioned something about taking you on a cruise later on in the year. If I'm not mistaken, your contract is up in less than a week, why would she be talking about plans after the contract?"

My heart melted at the fact that Lisa remembered me saying how I've never been on a cruise before and how relaxing it looked. But I also picked up that she said later on this year, which meant that she wanted me to be in her life after the contract was up. To be honest, if Lisa wanted a relationship with me, I wouldn't think twice to say yes. We have only known each other for a couple of months but she knew me better than Taehyung knew me and I've never been happier with anyone else than with Lisa.

I shook my head, "She could've just been talking about taking a cruise as friends."

She gave me an unimpressed look and we both knew I was wrong. "I'll be nice. I'll give you until the weekend to break it off with her."

My eyes went wide, that only gave me three days with Lisa. "But the contract has six days left!" Why didn't she just give me until the last day?

"So?" she replied, "I don't give a shit when the contract ends, I'm giving you three days. You continue being with Lisa after the three days is up, I will start leaking Lisa's secrets to all the tabloids." She smiled ruthlessly, "Wouldn't that be exciting?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, "Why are you doing this!?"

She looked at me square in the eyes, with her own turning dark with anger, "She ruined my relationship with Bambam! Literally ever since Bambam and I started dating, she has always found a way to somehow get between us. It felt like I was third-wheeling my own damn relationship! She could always convince him that I was the one to blame for every fight that we had. I'm just returning the favour! But the only way to hurt her is through you!" She got up from her chair and headed towards the elevator to leave. "I'm really saving you from her." she continued, "People like Lisa don't deserve love."

I flipped to the last two pages and found pictures of Chitthip and Lia along with their personal information. Why did she have these?

"Ah, they're just for insurance." she added noticing that I was looking at the last pages. "Because we both know that Lisa cares about her family. Should you not agree to the breakup, there may or may not be some articles released about them too." she shrugged, "Whether or not they're true, is not up to me." She looked at me square in the face and stepped into the elevator, "All of this is ultimately up to you. I have multiple copies of those, so don't even think to rip those papers up." She held the button to keep the doors open, "I think it's pretty obvious that this talk is just between us, yeah?"

I looked at her like she was crazy, what was I supposed to tell everyone when I broke up with Lisa all of a sudden? The doors started to close, "It was nice to finally meet you, Jennie. I am so looking forward to reading those breakup headlines soon." With a sinister smile on her face. The doors closed completely and I watched the numbers at the top descend down to the ground floor.

What the hell was I going to do?

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