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In the face of constant temptation (& failure) in the area of lust, do not despair by believing YOUR WEAKNESS is more powerful than Your Heavenly Father's WILL to make you more into the image of His Son.
Every time the enemy (the flesh, the world, and the devil) faces you, cast yourself onto this calling:

"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart..."

Trust that He is the faithful Savior & Redeemer, though you are faithless; He cannot deny Himself. With all your heart. No reservations or exceptions.

"...And DO NOT LEAN on your own understanding..."

Whether in regard to holiness before Him or the your frailty as a man in a fallen world, let Him be your Advocate, Guide, and Teacher; not you.

"...In ALL your ways, acknowledge Him..."

This is the key of hope: Even in the area of your sexual being, finite understanding, and confusion, ACKNOWLEDGE-CONFESS that He knows best. He knows better and best above what the world twists in its teaching and selling. In all your ways. Again, leave no reservation & pray Psalm 139:23-24 if you are unsure of your absolute surrender and yielding to Him

"...And He will [surely] direct your paths/make your paths straight." ~Proverbs 3:5-7

Prize & pray into this exceedingly great & precious promise! Surely, those who believe in this Rock will not be put to shame nor act hastily!

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