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Under a gray sky, in a dead city, a blood-stained advertising leaflet was blown into the air by the wind, and finally landed at the door. From time to time, birds flying by made mournful sounds, creating a depressing atmosphere that made people breathless. Come.

This is the third day since Xiang Nanchuan arrived at the end of the world.

At this moment, he was sitting on the bench, staring blankly at the zombies wandering outside. This used to be the most prosperous commercial street in Xizhou City, but now it has become a paradise for zombies.

Thinking back to three days ago, when he opened his eyes and saw zombies all over the street, he was almost scared to death. However, he always had an expressionless face, and even when he was extremely frightened, he could barely maintain his demeanor.

Before the apocalypse, Xiang Nanchuan was just an ordinary second-generation rich man with a sixty-year-old father and mother and a son. He was at an age when he was being urged to get married.

He still remembered that he went out drinking with some friends the night before. He came home drunk and fell asleep on the sofa. When he woke up, he found that he had come here inexplicably.

At first he thought it was a joke made by his friends, but at this moment, there was a "ding——" in his head, and a metallic voice told him that he had been selected by the Time Travel Association to be the supermarket of this time and space. Store manager, you must complete all tasks before you can go back.

The other party calls itself "the system".

At that time, Xiang Nanchuan was extremely angry. Why did this so-called Time Travel Association forcefully bind him and ask him to do any tasks? He wanted to go back! It's not like he dislikes his long life, so how could he be willing to come to this ghost place full of zombies.

But then, the system's words shocked him.

The system said: "Have you forgotten that you are already dead?"

As the system's voice fell, memories suddenly came to mind like a flood. Xiang Nanchuan suddenly remembered that the night before yesterday, he was so drunk when he returned home that he forgot to close the door and was robbed by thieves. Later, his memory was too confusing. Xiang Nanchuan only remembered that he seemed to have had a struggle with the man, and in the end he was stabbed in the heart by the man and died.

Recalling these, Xiang Nanchuan fell to the ground and stared blankly at the ground. After a long time, he said: "After completing the mission, can I really go back?"

The system said coldly: "Since I can bring you here, I can let you go back."

Xiang Nanchuan believed it, as if he was grasping the last straw. He had to believe in the system, and he must go back.

After sorting out his mood, Xiang Nanchuan finally faced the situation squarely.

Seeing that he calmed down, the system sent him a piece of information.

After receiving the information, Xiang Nanchuan learned that the world he was in now was a parallel time and space, but this world was encountering the biggest disaster in history-the zombie crisis.

And his coordinates are in the central region of country C, a commercial street in a fourth-tier city.

It is now the twenty-ninth day of the zombie outbreak. Many people have already developed supernatural powers. Such people are also called "power users". There is something called a "crystal core" in the brains of zombies. Can provide energy to people with super powers.

On the first day of the apocalypse, the commercial street was crowded with people during the day, so there were densely packed zombies outside, and there were pools of dark red blood on the ground. This scene made people's hair stand on end.

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