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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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A mixture of sadness and joy.
  it's over?
  They won! Withstood tens of millions of zombies!
  Xiang Nanchuan stared at the pile of corpses. No, he frowned, held his breath, and jumped down from the city wall.
  The ground was littered with corpses, accompanied by bursts of stench. It would take several days just to clean up the battlefield.
  I didn't feel it before, but once I stopped, the rotten smell penetrated my nose, making it difficult to ignore.
  He felt a powerful energy hidden in the pile of corpses. The energy was stronger than the fifth-level zombies, vaguely like the sixth-level zombies... The
  next step was to clean up the scene. No one was tired at this time, every day Every crystal core is their trophy.
  Just as the survivors were cleaning up the scene, the situation changed rapidly. A thin black shadow jumped out of the pile of corpses and rushed towards the facade of Nanchuan.
  As early as the second before the zombie jumped, Xiang Nanchuan sensed danger. He quickly retreated, shouldered the rocket launcher, and blasted it with one shot.
  "Ho ho!" The zombie roared, its tattered clothes were blown away, but its body was unscathed, which showed that its strength far exceeded the fifth level.
  Who would have guessed that there was a sixth-level zombie hidden among the zombies?
  This zombie actually pretends to be dead.
  Xiang Nanchuan concentrated on it, and the blade swiped across the zombie's shoulder, making the sound of metal colliding with each other. Xiang Nanchuan turned his numb wrist. It seemed that this was a sixth-level gold-type zombie.
  A ball of light blue flames flew towards me, and the gold-type zombies dodged fearfully. As if the flames had eyes, they turned a corner and flew towards the gold-type zombies again.
  Fire ignited on the gold zombie's body, and its withered skin gradually turned black, but it still moved quickly, carrying the flames on its body, and attacked Xiang Nanchuan ferociously.
  Xiang Nanchuan dodged to avoid the claws of the gold zombie, Chi Yan quickly came over, and the two of them worked together to barely suppress the gold zombie.
  Probably due to insufficient IQ, zombies are not as proficient in controlling superpowers as those with superpowers. Metal zombies will not use superpowers to deal with humans. They will only be driven by instinct to cover their bodies with metal to protect themselves.
  Therefore, Xiang Nanchuan and the others could not hurt the gold zombies, and the gold zombies could not eat these two annoying humans. The two sides maintained a delicate state.
  The gold zombie was obviously getting impatient. It deceived Chi Yan with a fake move, turned around and rushed to a survivor at an alarming speed.
  The survivor who was grabbed by the gold-type zombies had his entire arm immediately burned. He screamed, "Ah--"
  The survivor's life was hanging by a thread.
  Chi Yan ignited a ball of fire in his palm and carried the rocket launcher towards Nanchuan...
  Suddenly, the superpowers present felt a pressure from the sixth level. The high-level superpowers felt a strong sense of oppression, while those with lower levels felt a strong sense of oppression. The superpowers couldn't help their legs becoming weak and trembling.
  Compared to gold zombies, this zombie's energy is purer and more powerful.
  Xiang Nanchuan has only experienced such powerful spiritual power from one zombie. Is the spiritual zombie boss finally willing to come back? !
  The spiritual zombie boss exists like a sea-fixing needle in Xizhou. When it comes, all zombies have to stay away to show respect.
  It came and went without a trace like it did in the past. No one noticed when it came. When they realized it, it had already pushed down the gold zombie in an instant and stretched out a foot to step on the gold zombie. Attached to the zombie's head.
  The gold zombies were crushed so hard that they couldn't even get up.
  The familiar white shirt and black trousers are different. The difference is that the crimson eyes have become dark and bright, and they are indescribably handsome. The blue-gray color on his face has faded, becoming more and more like a living person.
  The clothes and pants are brand new, and the tags on them have not been cut. Xiang Nanchuan lamented that he had never seen a zombie that loved to be clean as much as the zombie boss. He was simply a strange flower in the zombie world.
  "Who is that?" someone asked in surprise.
  The survivors who recognized the zombie boss hesitated, obviously not wanting them to know the identity of the zombie boss. After all, the truth was too scary.
  Some people sighed with emotion, "It... is an existence that people both love and hate."
  The high-level zombies who were still staying near the base to watch felt the breath of the sixth-level zombies and ran away quickly.
  The survivors, who thought there was still a life-and-death battle, wanted to kneel under the boss's suit pants and call him daddy.
  Boss, from now on, you are my biological father!
  The spiritual zombie boss stepped on the gold zombie. In an instant, the gold zombie was like a turtle that couldn't turn over. No matter how hard it struggled, it was in vain.

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