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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking."
  "But you still followed my instructions and killed Cheng Gui. You also want to leave this boring world."
  Black light flashed, and Su Anzhe's arm suddenly rotted. "Su Anzhe" said indifferently: "Don't speculate on my thoughts. I just think this bet is quite interesting."
  Su Anzhe's face turned pale. He raised his hand and stroked the ulcerated wound with his fingers. His arm was instantly smooth as before. .
  Su Anzhe was in a daze, why did it become like this?
  From very early on, there was another person living in his body.
  It was the first day of the apocalypse. Su Anzhe was hiding at home. Zombies kept knocking on the door outside. He was so frightened that he didn't know what to do. At this moment, he had a headache and fainted.
  When he woke up, he saw that the zombie outside the house had his neck cut off, and dark red blood splattered all over the house.
  Before Su Anzhe could figure out what was happening, a voice sounded in his head.
  "How come this guy isn't dead?"
  From that day on, Su Anzhe shared a body with a soul who claimed to be from another world.
  This man was a devil. He used Su Anzhe's body to kill many people, including men, women, the elderly, and even young children.
  At first, every time Su Anzhe took over the body, he would wash his hands, vomit, and break down and curse the other person as a devil. Every time Su Anzhe finished scolding, the other party would intensify his efforts to kill people.
  Slowly, as more people were killed, Su Anzhe became numb. He stopped scolding each other, and disguised himself with another look. He pretended to be as calm as a spring breeze, and deceived many people, and also deceived himself. .
  The man's attitude toward him improved, and when he was in a good mood, he told him many things about another world. It was a peaceful and prosperous age, so beautiful that people yearned for it.
  Su Anzhe thought that these dark days would never end, until the appearance of Xiang Nanchuan gave Su Anzhe hope.
  One day, Su Anzhe suddenly suggested: "Let's make a bet."
  The devil, who felt that the world was a bit boring, happily accepted the invitation.
  They bet on whether Nanchuan or St. An's Church would win, and the time limit was two years.
  The bet is that if the devil wins, Su Anzhe will obediently give up his body.
  If Su Anzhe wins, he hopes to go to hell with the devil.
  At this time, the devil felt regretful. It would be nice to have someone by his side, and Su Anzhe never made any noise. When he got angry, he would only curse "You are the devil". Without him, he would be so lonely.
  You see, the devil is also afraid of being alone, especially when he is used to the presence of another person.
  The devil thought that if he won, he would let Su Anzhe stay with him forever.
  Ariel went to Lingshan’s no-man’s land to search for a whole day. Cheng Gui seemed to have completely disappeared from this world. No one was seen alive or dead, and Ariel finally panicked.
  Could something have happened to Chenggui?
  Cheng Gui was suspicious and cautious by nature. If he predicted that he would be in danger, how could he agree to her and go to Xiang Nanchuan?
  A slight breeze blew past her ears. Ariel turned around and grabbed a piece of paper. She opened it and it read: Su Anzhe killed Cheng Gui.
  Ariel would naturally not believe this method of sowing discord, but Cheng Gui was indeed missing. For now, he could only report it and let He Luo find Cheng Gui himself.
  However, when Ariel walked to the door of He Luo's palace, she heard a soft and weak female voice, "Master, I personally saw Lord Cheng Gui and Lord Ariel walking out of the Holy City..."
  This female voice was the one she had never disdained. Ariel's mind went blank. She wanted to go in and kill that bastard who was talking nonsense. But Ariel knew very well that going in to explain at this time would be tantamount to adding fuel to the fire. When he gets into trouble, she is the first person to die.
  Ariel left He Luo's palace quietly. She wanted to find out if Cheng Gui was dead? Who killed her?
  Before she could get far, Ariel met those people who had always been at odds with her.
  Their tone was slightly sympathetic, but in reality they were gloating, "Ariel, please forgive me."
  Ariel was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk nonsense to them. With a thought, the stone lion on the steps flew towards them like thunder and lightning.
  The few people did not panic. With a wave of their arms, a gust of wind swept the stone lion away. At the end, they said with a smile: "Even if Aina dies, you can't lose your temper at us." "
  What did you say?" Ariel looked at her. Suddenly cold, she stared at the other person, "Say it again!"
  "I said...Aina is dead, ah--" The man who had been smiling playfully just now flew out instantly, and at the same time, a scimitar appeared out of nowhere. He flew up from nowhere and cut the man in half.
  "Ariel, you don't want your life!" The other people were shocked, because Ariel was not killing someone else, but a time traveler like Ariel.

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