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The sky seemed to be covered with a thick curtain, and the raindrops fell, forming a trickle, washing away the blood on the ground, and suddenly the lights in the supermarket came on.

However, Xiang Nanchuan's pupils suddenly shrank. Through the lights in the supermarket, he saw that there were zombies standing outside. The zombies crowded the street. It was estimated that all the zombies in the building had come out. The number was so large that Xiang Nanchuan was stunned for a while. Terrified.

This is simply a zombie den.

So many zombies running out to get wet in the rain means there must be something wrong with the rain!

Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help but feel lucky for Chi Yan. Fortunately, he didn't get caught in the rain.

Chi Yan also discovered the situation outside. His face was as dark as water, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiang Nanchuan pretended to look at Yanchiyan casually, and visually estimated that the man was 1.9 meters tall. Judging from his appearance, Mo was about twenty-five years old, with deep eye sockets, a high nose bridge, and strong profile lines. He looked very handsome. Xiang Nanchuan noticed that his eyes were light brown, perhaps mixed with blood from some country.

The black windbreaker on his body was cut by an unknown sharp object, mixed with blood, and looked a little dirty. It was paired with a dark gray turtleneck sweater. Judging from the other party's dress, this person was either rich or noble. After all, Xiang Nanchuan is a rich second generation, so he still has some discernment. The price of the mechanical watch worn on his left hand alone is no less than seven figures.

Xiang Nanchuan immediately judged: This person is a big fat sheep.

The next second, a faint smile appeared on Xiang Nanchuan's lips, "Mr. Chi, your injuries are okay, right?"

While Xiang Nanchuan was looking at himself, Chi Yan was also observing him.

Xiang Nanchuan has good looks, clear eyebrows, and a gentle temperament, which is a bit gentle. Especially when the other party curls his lips and smiles, Chi Yan seems to see the gleaming stars in his eyes.

In this commercial street full of zombies, it's freezing outside, but inside this small shop it's so warm that people can't help but relax their vigilance. Even if there is a wall, zombies can smell it and chase after it. This store seems to be isolated from the world, completely undisturbed by zombies. What makes Chi Yan more concerned is, how did the bus appear outside?

"Mr. Chi?"

Chi Yan came back to his senses and pursed his thin lips into a straight line, "I'm sorry, what were you talking about just now?"

"Is your injury okay?"

Seeing that the two of them were still chatting and not knowing how long they would keep talking, the system couldn't help but urge: "Two minutes left!"

Xiang Nanchuan's breath was stagnant. There was no time. He didn't care about offending and immediately took Chi Yan to the shelf, "Are you buying something? Do you want apples or oranges?"

Chi Yan: "?"

Xiang Nanchuan said to himself, "How about some of them all!" He picked up a few apples and oranges, stuffed them into Chi Yan's arms, and then dragged him to the cashier to pay.

"Did you bring any money?" Xiang Nanchuan suddenly remembered something, "No, we don't accept cash here. What can you pawn..."

Chi Yan lowered his head and looked at the apple in his arms. He felt a faint pain in his stomach that he had ignored for a long time, as if it was about to melt away from the stomach acid. In fact, he had been hungry for many days. He took off his watch and put it on the cashier, "Is this okay?"

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now