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As soon as Xiang Nanchuan and the others came back, someone reported that two people were looking for them.

Because they didn't know them, no one dared to take them to the supermarket in Nanchuan, so they arranged for them to sit in the Internet cafe.

Xiang Nanchuan Moyue guessed who was looking for him. He walked into the Internet cafe. After seeing who it was, he immediately put a polite smile on his face and said, "Captain Zhou, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

That's right, these two people are none other than Zhou Puming and Qi Yang, who had met yesterday. They came here today, firstly to thank Xiang Nanchuan and the others for their life-saving grace, and secondly to ask about supernatural powers. , who knew that Xiang Nanchuan and the others had gone out early in the morning, so Zhou Puming and others waited for a long time before they came back.

Zhou Puming said quickly: "It doesn't matter, we came uninvited, but we will trouble you."

Xiang Nanchuan asked: "Where is your other colleague?"

Zhou Puming said: "He has not fully recovered yet, so let him stay in the police station."

The lighting in the Internet cafe was dim and there was an unpleasant smell. Xiang Nanchuan couldn't stay there for a while and said, "Why don't you go to my supermarket and talk."

Chi Yan walked in. Before anyone arrived, a cold voice fell on the ears of several people, "It's time to have dinner. We have something to talk about in the bookstore."

Xiang Nanchuan thought about it, whether it was to go to his bookstore or not. There was no place in his supermarket to entertain customers, so Xiang Nanchuan casually invited Zhou Puming and the others to dine together. Zhou Puming declined several times, but finally sat down to dine with them.

In the evening, we had shredded potatoes, braised pork with radish, boiled cabbage, and fried corn kernels with ham. In the past few days, everyone went out early and came back late. The cooking task was left to the people who stayed in the bookstore. Xiang Nanchuan was very picky and was used to eating. After seeing the food cooked by Chi Yan, I felt that the food cooked by others was a bit difficult to eat.

But Xiang Nanchuan is not so squeamish, he still has to eat what he should eat.

It's been a long time since Qiyang had a decent meal. Although there is no shortage of food in the kitchen, it is a disaster for an old man who can't cook. He can just cook a big pot of rice on a gas stove and eat it all in one go. After a few days, I ran out of gas and water, so I ate raw rice and noodles.

Seeing these dishes, Qi Yang's eyes almost turned green. He picked up the bowl and immediately started devouring it. Zhou Puming's stomach was also growling, but at least he could restrain himself and eat slowly.

Everyone was immersed in eating, and no one spoke first.

Qi Yang ate four dinners until he couldn't eat anymore, then he put down the bowl and wiped his mouth, "Sorry, I ate too much."

Xiang Nanchuan smiled slyly, "I don't have anything else here, but there is no shortage of food. If you really feel sorry for me, just give me something in exchange."

Zhou Puming was worried that Qi Yang would say something he shouldn't have said, so he quickly interrupted the two of them, "I came here this time mainly to inquire about supernatural powers and the situation in other cities. How much do you know? Can you talk to me?" Lets talk about it.

It was a pity that Xiang Nanchuan had not tricked Qiyang. He said: "We don't know the situation in other cities, but according to my guess, security bases should be established all over the country, and there are troops stationed in provincial capitals. The situation may be better than Xizhou is better.

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