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As the fireball fell, the zombies were ready to move. What surprised Xiang Nanchuan was that they all gathered outside the Electric City, making "ho-ho" sounds from their throats, as if calling friends.

Xiang Nanchuan had slight myopia. He squinted his eyes and finally saw clearly that there was a black figure on the top floor of the Electrical Appliance City.

The location of Electrical City is at the intersection diagonally opposite his supermarket. The intersection has long been jammed with scrapped cars, making it impossible for anyone to get out, so zombies wander back and forth on this commercial street.

The few living people he saw two days ago ran out of this electrical appliance city.

Xiang Nanchuan was a little nervous. When he had nothing to do these days, he counted the number of zombies in this commercial street. There were 308 zombies in total. This number did not include the zombies in the building. There was only one person on the other side. Can you escape from so many zombies?

Xiang Nanchuan leaned against the door frame and stared at the roof diagonally opposite without blinking.

Just then, the man moved.

He took a few steps back, then accelerated and sprinted. He made a leap, and finally landed firmly on the roof of a jewelry store seven or eight meters away from the Electric City. This jewelry store mainly sells gold jewelry. The most important thing is that there is no food inside. .

Xiang Nanchuan's supermarket is diagonally opposite the jewelry store.

Xiang Nanchuan licked his slightly dry lips, and the first customer came to the door.

Opposite him is a women's clothing store, and on the other side of the women's clothing store is a restaurant. It has been a month since the apocalypse broke out, and with the power and water outages, it is estimated that the fruits, vegetables and meat in the restaurant have rotted, but the rice, noodles, and eggs are still edible. Nanchuan has been coveting the food in the restaurant for a long time, but unfortunately he has no special powers and does not dare to make fun of his own life easily.

The handsome guy on the top of the building has good skills and special powers. If you can cooperate with him...

While he was meditating, Chi Yan from the jewelry store also noticed Xiang Nanchuan downstairs.

There was a female zombie on the roof. She was probably hiding on the top floor waiting for rescue when she was still alive, but she was accidentally infected by the zombie. Chi Yan casually released a few fireballs, hitting her head.

Chi Yan glanced at the zombies swarming excitedly below him. He had no doubt that the other party was alive. A living person stood carelessly in front of the zombies. He was either a fool or someone to rely on. He guessed that this person was the latter.

Chi Yan watched the zombies pass by the shop as if they were nothing, and his eyes suddenly sank.

The iron door on the roof made a "dong dong dong" sound when it was hit. The zombies on the second floor of the jewelry store smelled the breath of living people and chased after them. This iron door had already aged and could not last long. Chi Yan raised his eyes and looked at The layout of the entire commercial street.

He extended his arm to Nanchuan and waved, "Hi! Handsome guy, do you want to come in and buy something?"

When the zombies piled up at the entrance of the jewelry store heard the sound, they all paused for a moment and looked over following the sound.

Xiang Nanchuan was so frightened by what the zombies did that he immediately retracted his hand.

Chi Yan lowered his head and glanced coldly at Xiang Nanchuan. There was a "clang" sound, and the iron door behind was shaken and was about to be knocked open.

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