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Qiao Xuan is a hunter. In Tianyang Base, anyone who hunts zombies and obtains crystal nuclei is called a "hunter."

Qiao Xuan's parents died young, and he himself is an older single man with no worries and has long put life and death aside. There are many hunters like Qiao Xuan. Among them are people with super powers and ordinary people. When they come back from outside the city every day, they immediately squander all the crystal cores they harvest and never leave a single crystal core in their pockets. The mentality of living one day at a time, because no one can guarantee whether you will come back alive when you go out tomorrow.

This day was particularly bad for Qiao Xuan. He encountered a two-level lightning-type zombie. Qiao Xuan's superpower was the metal type. Every time he "hunted", he would attach a layer of hard metal to the surface of his skin. Zombies can't be caught, but the problem is that metal conducts electricity! Qiao Xuan was almost scorched by electricity. When he encountered his nemesis, Qiao Xuan had no choice but to retreat. He finally got rid of the thunder zombie and returned to the base.

The harvest in the morning was only five first-grade crystal cores. He couldn't even afford a pack of Jinbao. Jinbao is the name of a mid-range cigarette. Ten first-grade crystal cores were sold in a pack in the grocery store. Qiao Xuan was a long-time smoker. I feel uncomfortable if I don't smoke.

Qiao Xuan walked to the door of the grocery store as a habit. Seeing that he was a regular customer, the salesperson greeted him enthusiastically: "Brother Qiao is here to buy cigarettes again! Why are you back so early today?"

Qiao Xuan touched the five crystal cores in his pocket and smiled. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the store opposite was open. There were quite a few people coming in and out, but they all hid their things under their clothes and did not see what was in their arms. What was hidden? He asked: "Isn't the boss across the street gone? His family has opened a shop?"

The smile on the salesman's face instantly faded, and he said in a weird tone: "How can his wife and children keep this store? Let's change the boss."

"So that's it." Qiao Xuan suddenly felt a sense of sadness in his heart. The former owner of that store went on a mission with him, and the two of them had a good chat. He didn't expect it to disappear so suddenly. This is how it is in the apocalypse. , no one knows whether they can survive tomorrow.

"Bring me a pack of Fengpin." Fengpin is a cheap cigarette. It only sells two first-class crystal cores. I have no choice but to have money, so I can only satisfy my craving.

When the salesperson saw that Qiao Xuan only wanted a pack of Fengpin, he guessed that Qiao Xuan was having a bad day, so he stopped looking for trouble and brought him a pack of Fengpin. When checking out, he secretly said to Qiao Xuan: "I heard that the other side The store has good things for sale, why dont you go and take a look.

Qiao Xuan was surprised that the salesperson actually recommended him to go to the store opposite. He was not interested at first, but when he heard the salesperson say that, he happened to have three crystal cores in his hand, so he thought, why not stop by and see what is available to eat, and take advantage of what he has today? Lunch and dinner are settled.

Qiao Xuan crossed the road and walked to the opposite side. His hunting experience this month made him extra cautious. Instead of going in, he looked outside to see what was special about this shop.

The name of the store is Good Luck General Store. What's puzzling is that the store has also pulled down the rolling shutter, leaving only a small door that can only allow one person to enter and exit. The glass display window is blocked, so customers cannot see from the outside. What's it like inside the store?

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