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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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In other words, he may not be any worse than the old players.
  And now, these ten team captains are standing in a row tremblingly.
  Shao Chengjun is an old team member who followed Chi Yan all the way from Xizhou. He knows Chi Yan very well, but he still has a good grasp of Chi Yan's temper. He will notice the coldness emanating from Chi Yan. The air within one meter of him was condensed.
  He signaled Xu Yuan with his eyes, "Who pissed off the captain?"
  Xu Yuan looked at his nose and heart, as if he didn't see the look that Shao Chengjun was looking at. He had learned from Mu Dong what had just happened, and this time good old Xu Yuan was angry. He was angry with the new players, and even more dissatisfied with the old players who came from Xizhou together. No one knows how important the store manager is to them than the old team members. For their own selfish purposes, they actually involve the store manager. Xu Yuan shudders at their audacity.
  Seeing this, Shao Chengjun touched his nose and smiled bitterly, this was not good.
  The well-informed team leader hurriedly winked at Shao Chengjun, and while Chi Yan wasn't looking in his direction, he mouthed "Store Manager" to Shao Chengjun and made a gesture of eating.
  The quick-thinking Shao Chengjun understood instantly and suddenly had a headache.
  Shao Chengjun knew what the old team members were planning early in the morning. Seeing that the team leader didn't say anything, he also pretended not to see it. Little did he know that these people would cause such a big trouble for him.
  Others don't know about the relationship between the captain and the store manager, but Shao Chengjun sees it, but the two of them don't say it. Even if someone notices it, they only gossip a little behind their backs, and they don't have the courage to spread it everywhere, so the new team members don't know much. .
  These gangsters dare to pull teeth out of a tiger's mouth. You must be tired of living.
  Silence continued to spread, and several people looked at each other. When Chi Yan asked them to come over, no one spoke. Are they standing in a military posture? The last team leader couldn't help but ask: "Captain, why did you call us here?"
  Chi Yan stood in front of the window, the warm yellow streetlight projected over him, lengthening his figure. He suddenly turned around and turned his face Trapped in the darkness, there was an inexplicable coldness in people. All he heard was his calm tone, "Tell me about your recent training arrangements." It seemed
  like a normal question, but the team leader Zhang Weihua felt something was wrong. He looked at it. Looking at Chi Chiyan's expression, he said thoughtfully: "Everyone will get up at six o'clock in the morning and run five kilometers, go out of the base to kill zombies, come back at eight o'clock for breakfast, rest for a while, and then the superpowers will practice their superpowers in a targeted manner, and ordinary people will practice marksmanship. In the afternoon Learn fighting skills."
  This is only a temporary training plan at the moment. If you are in a hurry, this plan will not be used.
  "The amount of training is less."
  Zhang Weihua was stunned. The amount of training is still small. We are not from the army. The five kilometers in the morning alone made them die.
  "Change to ten kilometers in the morning, continue as usual in the afternoon, practice using jade to store powers in the evening, and try not to use energy drinks in the future."
  Everyone was dumbfounded, "This..."
  No energy drinks are allowed?
  As soon as these words came out, it was difficult for some team members who were used to drinking energy drinks to supplement their abilities. However, the new team members didn't care. They would have been like this without using energy drinks. The drinking time was too short and they were not addicted. Quitting is very easy.
  "You guys rely too much on energy drinks. How many of the old team members have advanced their abilities in the past few months? If this continues, you won't even be able to keep up with the progress of the new team members. Will you have to compete with the new team members in the future? Doing newcomer training together?!"
  Chi Yan's stern tone was unprecedented, making everyone feel guilty.
  Energy drinks can only allow people with superpowers to quickly restore their superpowers, but they cannot upgrade their superpowers. The old team members reflected on themselves and found that they had indeed slacked off recently. They had no shortage of crystal nuclei in their hands and almost drank energy drinks as water. Over time, they became too lazy to absorb the crystal nuclei. If one person does this, someone will criticize him, but if everyone does this, everyone will become accustomed to it.
  Hearing these words, the faces of the old team members felt hot, especially when Chi Yan said they were not as good as the new team members, they couldn't help but show a bit of dissatisfaction.
  Chi Yan's eyes swept over every face without emotion, "You are not convinced, are you?"
  Several team captains said, squeezing their necks: "No!"
  Chi Yan's voice did not contain any fluctuations, "Since no one is unconvinced, then The amount of training for the old team members will be doubled." After saying that, Chi Yan looked at the new team captains who thought they had escaped, and secretly rejoiced, "As for the new team members, I will let Lao An lead you." Lao An is a retired special forces soldier who was once a The director of the security department of Chiyan Company. After the apocalypse broke out, Lao An was recruited by other teams because of his outstanding abilities. Until Chi Yan returned to Beicheng and recruited people back, he asked Lao An to serve as the chief instructor in the team to help him train new people.
  The two bodyguards who followed Chi Yan on a business trip were trained and trained by Lao An. Although they gave up on him at the last moment, their skills were nothing to say. Therefore, when these new players are in Lao An's hands, they will definitely not end up better than the old players who have doubled the amount of training.
  Chi Yan also called Lao An over at this meeting. He originally had to go to Xizhou to implement the training plan, but now it seems that these people are still too idle and are still interested in fighting among themselves.

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