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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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, and took out two more quilts. The quilts were a little damp after being left there for too long, so Chi Yan dried them with a fire.
  Xiang Nanchuan thought to himself that it would be nice to have a boyfriend with fire powers, and he would no longer have to artificially warm his bed.
  Probably because the quilt was too warm, Xiang Nanchuan wanted to chat for a few words, but he didn't want to just touch the pillow and fell asleep.
  When it was dawn and Xiang Nanchuan opened his eyes, the bed next door was already empty. He didn't know when Chi Yan got up. He was nestled in the warm bed. He wanted to stay in bed for a while, but then he thought that today was New Year's Eve. Xiang Nanchuan quickly opened the quilt and jumped up.
  Xiang Nanchuan put on his cotton slippers and ran downstairs, "Chi Yan, let's go out and find the store!"
  Chi Yan walked out of the kitchen with breakfast, "I'm going back to Chi's house later. I asked Chen Chong and Qin Han will accompany you."
  Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help showing a disappointed look, "Then will you come back tonight?"
  Chi Yan glanced at him and said inexplicably: "This is my home, where else can I go if I don't come back? ?"
  Xiang Nanchuan was stunned, and his mood improved rapidly. "Then you can bring something back to your cousins. Forget it, I'll do it." Xiang Nanchuan rolled up his sleeves and went to the kitchen to move things.
  Chi Yan stretched out his arm and brought the person back. He put his arm around Xiang Nanchuan's shoulders and pushed him back onto the chair. "Eat your breakfast. Don't worry, I have my own arrangements." At
  this time, the Chi family also While having breakfast, the place where the Chi family lives is quite simple, a two-story small foreign-style building. Judging from the white dust peeling off the walls, this building has a history of several years.
  Chi Zhonghai, who had not been home for several days, came back at this time. As the New Year was approaching, there were many matters to be dealt with in the military department. He stayed awake for several days before he had one day to go home for the New Year.
  Hearing the sound of the door opening, Chi Shan quickly looked up and said in surprise: "Dad, you're back!" Chi Shan ran up and helped Chi Zhonghai take off his thick military coat.
  Chi Zhonghai has a rough appearance, thick eyebrows and big eyes, a Chinese character face, and his eyebrows exude majesty. At this time, his face is tired and his eyeballs are bloodshot. Chi Shan's heart suddenly twitches, "Dad, how many days have you not slept?
  " Chi Zhonghai felt a little shy when he heard his daughter's question. He changed the topic, "I heard that Xiaoyan is back. Why don't you see anyone else?"
  Not seeing the person he expected at home, Chi Zhonghai frowned, "He didn't come home." Are you there?"
  Sensing the displeasure in her father's tone, Chi Shan quickly explained: "Brother Yan just arrived at the base last night. He has many men and was afraid of disturbing grandpa, so he went to the small villa and will definitely come back today."
  Chi Tian Zong sneered, "It's rare that he still remembers to come back!"
  Chi Tianzong was known as the Iron-Blooded General in his early years. He had outstanding military achievements. Even when he was old, he did not retreat. However, he did not work on the front line, but took command behind the scenes. Chi Tianzong has a strong temper and always speaks the truth. Even Chi Zhonghai does not dare to disobey his orders. Now in this family, only Chi Yan never takes his words seriously, just like his dead father. The temperament of these two father and son is simply printed from the same mold.
  Speaking of Chi Yan's father who died of depression, this has always been a thorn in Chi Tianzong's heart. He can't spit it out or swallow it, which makes Chi Tianzong still dislike Chi Yan.
  Chi Shan murmured: "Grandpa, don't say that. It's great to be able to come back safely from a place as far away as Xizhou." Can you stop being picky? Of course, Chi Shan didn't have the guts to say the next words.
  Chi Tianzong put down the bowl and chopsticks with a sullen face, "I'm full." Huo Ran stood up and returned to the room with his hands behind his back.
  Chi Shan's mother put a steamed bun into Chi Shan's bowl. "You are the only one who talks too much."
  Chi Shan stuck out her tongue.
  Chi Zhonghai pretended not to see his father's dissatisfaction. He sat down, scooped out a bowl of porridge, drank it slowly, and said, "Xiaoyan must have suffered a lot along the way. Today is New Year's Eve. He brought back How many people are there? Wanling, please prepare a New Year gift for them."
  Xu Wanling held the chopsticks with her right hand and smiled reluctantly: "They just came back from outside and they probably didn't eat much. Why don't you get them some rice and noodles? "
  Chi Zhonghai didn't notice the change in his wife's expression, "You can decide for yourself." Chi Zhonghai never cared about the little things at home, and he didn't know how much food was left at home, so he just opened his mouth to share the remaining food at home.
  "There are about thirty of them." Chi Shan took her mother's arm and said coquettishly, "Mom, please prepare more food for Brother Yan and the others. How about we make some dumplings and send them over?"
  Xu Wanling nodded at Chi. Shan frowned and said angrily: "There are so many dumplings, it only takes half a day, and we have to make New Year's Eve dinner in the evening. How can I be so busy? You have to make the idea yourself, and I won't help you." There were still other things at home. A nanny who took care of an old man. But on the day the apocalypse broke out, the nanny went out to buy groceries and never came back. Therefore, she had to do all the housework at home. It was so chaotic outside now that it was inconvenient to invite a stranger, not to mention There is no extra food at home to feed others.
  Regardless of the fact that the Chi family has some status in Beicheng, since the military control of Beicheng, all supplies have been handed over to the superiors for unified management. The Chi family has only retained a small part, and the rest has been handed over, including all the assets under Chi Yan's name. At that time, Chi Yan was not in Beicheng, so the Chi family distributed it on his behalf.
  Chi Shan was still like a little girl who didn't understand the world before the end of the world, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I asked Sister Zhao to help me."
  Xu Wanling sighed inaudibly, recalling in her mind how much food was left at home. .
  Chi Zhonghai, who had no idea about the situation at home, finished a bowl of porridge and put it down, "I'll go upstairs and take a nap first. Xiaoyan will wake me up when he comes back."

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