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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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  Later, another mutated mandala occurred, and Xiang Nanchuan and others rescued them all. Only then did Major General Xu Luo truly see Xiang Nanchuan's character. From then on, Major General Xu Luo's attitude toward Xiang Nanchuan changed.
  Mayor Chen didn't know when he hooked up with the St. An's Church.
  Commander He's body was deteriorating day by day, and the reason could not be found at first. He had been treated by a person with healing powers, but he never got better.
  It was at this time that Xu Luo discovered some secrets about St. Ann's Religion and the reasons for the outbreak of the apocalypse.
  At the dinner that day, out of profit considerations, he rescued Xiang Nanchuan once.
  Commander He died of illness half a month after Xiang Nanchuan and the others left the base.
  Xu Luo found out that the person who poisoned Commander He was Adjutant Wu. Adjutant Wu did not rebel. He was given a mental suggestion before he poisoned Commander He.
  After Lieutenant Wu lifted the mental suggestion, he remembered what he had done and felt extremely regretful. He could not sleep at night. He probably left the base a few months ago with the idea of ​​atonement.
  After hearing this, Xiang Nanchuan frowned, "The person who poisoned Commander He was from the St. An's Cult?"
  "Yes." Major General Xu Luo said.
  "Have you ever suspected that I am a member of the St. Ann's Cult?"
  "Yes, I have doubted you." After a pause, Major General Xu Luo added, "But it wasn't until that dinner party that you confronted a member of the St. An's Cult. , I gave up my suspicion."
  Xiang Nanchuan spread his hands and said, "Okay, I'm done asking."
  It was Major General Xu Luo's turn to ask, "Are you from the same place as them?"
  "No." Xiang Nanchuan considered it for a moment, " Most of the people are from different places."
  "What's your purpose here?"
  "I..." Xiang Nanchuan opened his mouth and found that he couldn't say the following words. He knew that the system prohibited him from continuing, so he To put it another way, "I was forced to have no choice. As soon as I opened my eyes, I found myself here. The purpose of my coming here is to open a supermarket. After completing the task, I can go back."
  "Where are they?"
  Xiang Nanchuan was vague. Qingdao: "As far as I know, they were also sent here. They originally had things to restrain them, but these things have lost their restraint effect."
  "Who are they?"
  "Among them are ordinary people, and some are extremely vicious. There are only a few dozen criminals left."
  "Does the outbreak of the apocalypse have anything to do with you?"
  Xiang Nanchuan frowned and denied, "No! Why do you ask that?"
  Major General Xu Luo said in a deep voice, "Don't you think Is everything too coincidental? Why can they predict the end of the world in advance?" Unless the end of the world is man-made.
  Hearing this, the system lost its usual calmness and its voice suddenly became sharp, "He's talking nonsense! We calculated that a disaster would break out in this world. Our company has always abided by the "Interstellar Treaty Law" and will not interfere with the civilization of any planet. process, let alone know the law and violate the law, and deliberately create disasters."
  Xiang Nanchuan asked silently in his heart: "What will happen if someone does this?"
  "They will be sent to the interstellar court and accept legal judgment. Our company is a formal company , not like a leather goods company like Company B."
  Xiang Nanchuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled sarcastically, "Don't say it so high-sounding, you are collecting crystal nuclei and exotic plants in exchange for supermarket goods, aren't you also grabbing this in a different direction? The world's resources?"
  "But it's legal!" the system argued loudly.
  Xiang Nanchuan ignored the system and said to Major General Xu Luo: "This is just your guess. I can guarantee that we did not create a disaster artificially." Major
  General Xu Luo fell into silence, "I will believe you for a moment."
  "Who told you You, the end of the world is man-made?"
  "I'm sorry."
  "Since I can't say it, let's forget it, let's talk about the St. An's Religion, how much do you know?" "
  Where is the leader of the St. An's Religion, a summoning superpower, three elders , Su Zhe'an, Aina, and Cheng Gui are healing, poison, and prophecy power users respectively." "The thing
  we need to be wary of most is Cheng Gui. His power has reached the point where he can accurately predict a person's future."
  Prophecy . Ability? Xiang Nanchuan seemed to be a little more interested, "Is it really that magical?"
  Prophecy and the power of time are similar, but the power of time can not only see a person's future, but also trace the past, but sometimes it works. If they were really compared, Xiang Nanchuan couldn't say whose power was more powerful.

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