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After finishing the meal, it was already ten o'clock in the evening. Xiang Nanchuan drank a few more glasses of wine. He was drunk, and his fair face was slightly red. When he got up, he probably got up in a hurry, and his body shook a little. Chi Yan subconsciously After giving him a hand, Xiang Nanchuan shook his head and turned to look at him, his eyes incredibly bright.

Qiao Donghua originally wanted to send them back, but he waved back to Nanchuan, "Don't send them away. We are all so familiar with each other. There is no need to use this trick. We are going back."

Xiang Nanchuan had a good drink. He just felt a little dizzy at this time, but he was still very conscious. He got in the car, put on his seat belt, and after a set of movements, his hands didn't even shake. He said in a steady voice: "Let's not do this first." Go back, turn around and go to the supermarket.

Recently, the base has insufficient power supply. Except for areas A and B, the other areas have no power supply during the day and limited power supply at night. Therefore, at night, the two areas are completely dark, and there is not even a ghost on the road. Of course, there are People with malicious intentions hide in dark places and take advantage of opportunities to rob.

Although these people can't cause them any harm, it's really annoying to have a few obstacles appear from time to time. These people don't even think about it. If they don't have the strength, would they dare to go out in the middle of the night?

Before those people could get close, Chi Yan threw out several fireballs and the wall collapsed. The people hiding in the dark were immediately frightened and did not dare to move.

Xiang Nanchuan suddenly sneered, his voice clear and low, "A guy who bullies good and is afraid of evil."

Chi Yan turned his head and glanced at Nanchuan.

Xiang Nanchuan leaned lazily on the back of the chair. He raised his hand and loosened his collar, revealing a slender neck. His skin was as crystal clear as jade, exuding a silent temptation. He looked at Xiang Nanchuan, "What are you looking at?"

Chi Yan had an Adam's apple and his throat was slightly dry, but his face remained cold as usual, "It's nothing."

Xiang Nanchuan muttered: "Don't think I don't know..." The following words were so soft that they dissipated in the air as soon as they were spoken.

After a while, Xiang Nanchuan turned his head and looked at Chi Yan's profile. He asked with interest: "Why do you want to register a team at the base?"

Chi Yan grabbed the steering wheel and said slowly: "We were too high-profile during the mutant mandala flower battle. It is not popular to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. It is better to continue to act in a high-profile manner to avoid the constant temptation of people."

"What's the name of the team?"

"Red flame."

"Tch." Xiang Nanchuan curled his lips disdainfully, "It's really uncreative."

Chi Yan's lips moved, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Xiang Nanchuan suddenly come forward, his breath filled with the strong smell of alcohol, and then a cold touch fell on the side of his neck. Chi Yan's right hand shook uncontrollably. The car shuddered, the front of the car tilted, and Chi Yan suddenly stepped on the brakes as he was about to run off the road.

Xiang Nanchuan quickly hugged Chi Yan's arm tightly and said unhappily: "Why did you brake suddenly? You scared me to death."

Chi Yan said silently in his heart: I was scared to death by you.

He said helplessly: "Why are you so close? Just sit still and don't move your hands or feet."

Xiang Nanchuan came closer again. He held Chi Yan's face, looked behind his ears, and then said with a smile, "I found a mole under your ears."

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now