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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Carry boxes of energy drinks up, and then work part-time as a medical team.
  Some of the superpowers were reckless, some accidentally injured themselves, and some of them fainted due to too much superpower consumption. Xiang Nanchuan helped carry the person down to rest.
  The sky turned white, and the volunteers who persisted for the whole second half of the night were exhausted. After pulling the trigger all night, their fingers were almost stiff, and they lay on the ground panting.
  It happened that at this time, the superpowers of the Macho Legion had almost rested, and they took over the volunteers' positions, and the volunteers went down to rest.
  The battle lasted for a day, and not to mention the superpowers on the front line, the logistics department was almost overwhelmed.
  As the head of the logistics department, Chen Chong was responsible for taking people to the warehouse to extract the crystal cores. There were more than a dozen boxes of crystal cores, half of which were sent to the supermarket and exchanged for boxes of energy drinks, and the other half were sent directly to the city wall.
  The zombies seemed to be endless, and the first and second level zombies were always at the forefront. The third and fourth level zombies had not yet made any move, as if they were waiting for something.
  Strong sleepiness came over him, and Xiang Nanchuan pinched his thigh hard. He had not slept all night and was so sleepy that he suppressed his sleepiness and opened his eyes wide to observe the movements of the high-level zombies below.
  Why not attack?
  What are they waiting for?
  Xiang Nanchuan squinted his eyes, his thoughts drifting further and further away.
  The superpowers on the city wall changed round after round, and everyone's face was exhausted. They were too tired and wanted to rest too much.
  Suddenly, a figure jumped onto the city wall from below. No one could react in time. A person with supernatural powers was caught and thrown off the city wall, where he was instantly torn apart by the zombies below.
  There was a commotion on the city wall, and the fire superpower threw a ball of fire in a panic. By the light of the fire, Xiang Nanchuan could see clearly that the face was green and white, like a ghost with a green face and fangs.
  It's a zombie!
  Many zombies jumped onto the city wall. The North City Gate gradually couldn't withstand the impact of the zombies and broke open first. Countless zombies rushed into the base...
  Xiang Nanchuan woke up from his dream and closed his eyes to recall the scene he had seen. His dream He has the ability to predict, and what he "sees" is exactly what will happen next.
  Just like what happened in the dream, once the zombies have IQ, it will be terrible.
  They lie dormant quietly, and when they reach their most exhausted state, they launch an attack and break through the base in one fell swoop.
  The sky was gray and Xiang Nanchuan was in a daze for a moment, unable to tell whether it was early morning or evening.
  Chi Yan was saying something to others when he caught sight of him waking up and told the other person a few words. He walked over and reached out to touch Nan Chuan's face. When he was about to touch it, he remembered that his hands were dirty and stopped again.
  "How long have I been sleeping?" When Xiang Nanchuan asked, he realized that his voice was slightly hoarse.
  "It's less than 4 hours, you should sleep a little longer." Chi Yan found a random step and sat down, holding his chin and half-squinting his eyes.
  His eyes were blue and bloodshot, his hair was messy, and he hadn't showered for several days, so his clothes inevitably smelled bad. No matter how handsome a young man he was, he would turn into a slovenly man if he hadn't slept for several days and nights.
  Possibly smelling the peculiar smell on his body, Chi Yan frowned in disgust. He originally loved to be clean, but it was an emergency and he had no choice.
  Xiang Nanchuan thought for a moment, "No, I feel like I slept for a long time, it can't be only 4 hours."
  Hu Man was passing by, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but interjected: "Manager, you're all asleep It's been almost a day and a night, and the captain is worried."
  "Then what time is it now?!" Xiang Nanchuan was suddenly startled.
  "What time did you say?" Hu Man looked at the sky and said, "It should be around 6 o'clock in the evening." Worried that Xiang Nanchuan didn't know, he later emphasized that it was 6 o'clock in the evening.
  Xiang Nanchuan hissed and grabbed Chi Yan's arm, "Chi Yan, I have something to tell you."
  After Chi Yan listened, he was silent for a long time.
  He silently looked at the volunteers on the city wall. They had been fighting for more than ten hours, and everyone had a look of exhaustion on their faces.
  If I'm not mistaken, it's tonight.
  Around early morning, high-level zombies will attack the volunteers when they are most tired.
  At the same time, Qingping Street, Chijia.

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