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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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I have promised you that I will only take you to the divine realm, and I will not be able to do the right thing with the Saint Ann Sect. "
  Kuang Hefeng cherishes his little life very much. He finally escaped from the God's Realm, and he doesn't want to get trapped in it again.
  Xiang Nanchuan said seriously: "I am grateful that you can take us to the God's Realm. I owe you a favor. "The road through Lingshan Mountain is not easy. At first, he did not expect Kuang Hefeng to agree to lead the way. However, Kuang Hefeng hesitated for a while and then agreed. Kuang
  Hefeng waved his hand quickly, "Manager, don't be so polite. I am too. I hope you can solve the cancer of St. Ann's Church. After all, my hometown is in Southwest Province, and I still want to return to my hometown to retire in my lifetime. "
  While discussing tomorrow's route, as he spoke, he tilted his head to Nanchuan and fell asleep leaning on the back of his chair.
  Kuang Hefeng tapped the map with his finger and lowered his voice unconsciously, "If you want to take this road, , there is a wolf gathering area nearby. There is a group of powerful mutant wolves. We try not to disturb them and pass quickly. "That time, Kuang Hefeng accidentally ran into a pack of wolves and almost didn't make it out of Lingshan Mountain alive. Thanks to his fast and high jump, the wolves chased them for dozens of kilometers and couldn't catch up, so they reluctantly gave up.
  Chi Yan's voice He lowered his voice, "I don't agree with taking this path. It's autumn now, and wolves will hunt a large number of animals and store food for the winter, so now is their most active time. I don't think they will let go of our delicious reserves." Grain, if possible, it is best not to confront them. Kuang
  Hefeng scratched his hair and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Then we can only go this way, it's a bit far around." Kuang Hefeng searched for it on the map for a long time, "This is it, the Gobi Desert. There are just a lot of sandstorms. The weather is getting colder now, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. We need to bring enough clothing, food and water." "
  After a pause for a few seconds, Kuang Hefeng said seriously: "The problem is that I have never been on this road before, so I am not sure how dangerous it is. "Lingshan is an uninhabited land with an altitude of more than 5,000 meters. It was known as one of the most dangerous areas in the world before the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, the danger level of Lingshan has skyrocketed.
  "That's the decision. Chi Yan was silent for a moment, "Wolves are vengeful animals with a keen sense of smell. It's best not to confront them head-on." "
  "All right. "Kuang Hefeng looked resentful and thought to himself that it was a good thing he didn't say anything about the wolves chasing him for dozens of kilometers.
  Seeing that Hu Man and Fatty couldn't hide their tiredness on their faces, they still managed to hold on to the meeting, and the discussion happened to be about the same. , Kuang Hefeng wisely said goodbye.
  Hu Man and Fatty also hurried back to the room to rest.
  The next morning, at dawn, Chi Yan woke up Xiang Nanchuan. After the two washed up, Hu Man and Fatty across the door followed suit. After people had breakfast, they were ready to leave for Lingshan.
  The supplies were prepared early in the morning. Chi Yan moved tents, sleeping bags, etc. into the trunk. In addition to these, there were down jackets and self-heating stoves. The supplies were fully prepared.
  Kuang He Feng drove an off-road vehicle himself and led the way.
  As soon as he got in the car, Xiang Nanchuan fell into a drowsy sleep, regretting that he missed the beautiful scenery along the way.
  Due to its high altitude, Lingshan is also known as the sacred mountain closest to the sky. The peaks tower into the sky, the snow never melts all year round, the mountains are continuous and majestic, and the surging rivers rush down from the mountain canyons thousands of meters above sea level, converging into the largest Jade Lake in Lingshan. Entering the
  scope of Lingshan, several people clearly felt When the temperature dropped sharply, Hu Manha let out a breath of white air and quickly took out his down jacket and put it on. As
  the vehicle drove deep into Lingshan Mountain, the road conditions became worse and worse. The road was damaged to pieces. Looking at the traces, it looked like it had been damaged by some large animal. Several No one was seen on the road to Tianxia. Occasionally, one or two bison were seen foraging for food in the distance.
  A few people did not dare to relax their vigilance. When passing through the vast Gobi Desert, they suddenly heard the roar of beasts.
  Several people I thought in unison, it’s finally here.

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