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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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In Xizhou, the weather has completely cooled down. I switched from leather jackets to long sleeves, and now to short sleeves.
  The further south they went, the more lush the vegetation grew, and the abandoned city was covered in jungle. They were also attacked by mutant animals, so they took the wrong path. This mistake led them to the southwest, and they almost broke in. The home base of the Saint'an Cult. Fortunately, Qin Han discovered something was wrong and the team turned around in time.
  Even so, it took them half a year to return to Xizhou.
  The magnificent city wall, the towering watchtower, and the long queue at the gate of Xizhou City. I haven't been back for nearly half a year. Xizhou has changed so much that Xiang Nanchuan can hardly recognize it. Is this still the same small base that was so quiet?
  "This is Xizhou?" The team members who had never been to Xizhou didn't have high hopes for Xizhou at first. They had no other relatives and it was the same wherever they went. Out of their admiration and trust for the captain, they followed him. Traveling all the way to Xizhou.
  The base in front of us has reached the standard of a medium-sized base. How can it be a small, deserted base as they said?
  Although Xiang Nanchuan has come back quietly several times in the past six months, he always came back at night to avoid people's eyes. He only walked around the supermarket street each time, so he was unaware of the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in other parts of the base. .
  Probably out of fear of spiritual zombies, not a single zombie was seen near the base. The only troublesome thing is that the survivors have almost exhausted the supplies in the surrounding towns. If they want to go out to search for supplies, they have to go further.
  "Let's get in line." Although the leader of the base was sitting in the car, he didn't want to take advantage of his privileges to jump in line. Xiang Nanchuan turned the steering wheel and drove the bus to the back of the line.
  The young man who registered at the gate of the city had probably never seen Xiang Nanchuan and the others. He asked them where they were from and how long they had lived there. He asked them to get out of the car and checked whether there were any prohibited items in the car, such as zombies.
  Xiang Nanchuan held back his laughter and prepared to get out of the car.
  At this time, a staff member came in with a thermos cup. He glanced at the window casually and was stunned. He slapped him and said, "What are you doing, even our store manager can't recognize you?" The
  young man was extremely aggrieved. "He didn't say anything."
  "Didn't I describe the store manager's appearance to you? He also said that they would come to Xizhou in the next few days..." After the old employee scolded the newly arrived employee, he turned to apologize to Nanchuan and the others. "I'm really sorry, store manager. This guy just came here not long ago and didn't recognize you."
  Xiang Nanchuan waved his hand, "Okay, we didn't report your real name."
  "The car doesn't need to be inspected, right?"
  The old employee said quickly: "No, no, no." He turned his head and was furious, "Why don't you quickly open the gate and let the store manager and others come in?!" Fortunately, he graduated from Beicheng University and didn't even see him. That's all, he was transferred to the logistics department. Department.
  The old employee pressed his cell phone and dialed Secretary Shen's number, "Brother Shen, please notify Captain Zhong quickly. The store manager and captain are back!" The
  young man on the other end of the phone had a serious voice, "Arrived so soon? Okay, I'll notify you right away. Captain Zhong."
  At this point, Zhong Hesheng is in the plantation. The seedlings planted in March this year have begun to ear and fill, and the ears are full. They will be harvested in August. In addition to rice seedlings, crops such as potatoes and corn are also grown in the plantation, as well as many vegetables and fruits of all kinds. Under the careful care of the wood-type superpowers, the growth is very impressive.
  This plantation was established at the beginning of the year. Zhong Hesheng would visit here after patrolling every day. Only green shoots growing from the soil can truly bring hope to mankind.
  Seeing Shen Chaoan's figure from a distance, Zhong Hesheng waved to him, "What's the matter, you are so anxious."
  Shen Chaoan looked helpless, "Captain, you forgot to bring your mobile phone again. Just now the old enemy at the door called and said, the store manager They're back."
  Zhong Hesheng stood up and strode out, "Where did they go?"
  "Where else could it be? Qingping Road."
  "You didn't tell them?"
  "My old enemy probably forgot, I As soon as I got the news, I came to inform you."
  The two pedaled their bicycles, turned their pedals into hot wheels, and rushed to Qingping Road quickly.
  At this time, the intersection on Qingping Road was blocked by the flow of people. The aunt carrying a vegetable basket shouted: "You are not allowed to enter the car! Don't you know the rules?"
  Xiang Nanchuan and others looked at each other, when were these rules established?
  Just when Xiang Nanchuan was in a dilemma, Zhong He came over angrily, "Captain! Store manager!"
  Xiang Nanchuan poked his head out of the car window, "Captain Zhong, you just happened to be here. Why don't cars enter on Qingping Road?"
  "I'll explain this later. I'll take you to Xicheng Mansion first."
  Zhong Hesheng stared at the bicycle as he walked in front, followed by a series of buses and cars. The scene was quite funny, causing passers-by to turn around frequently.
  Someone recognized Zhong Hesheng and the sightseeing bus to Nanchuan, and couldn't help but cheer, "It's the store manager who's back!"
  The news quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys of Xizhou. In a certain neighborhood, Qiao Donghua heard the report from his subordinates. The news, "Chi Yan and the others are back, it's time to go meet them."

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