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It's impossible to think about it.

Xiang Nanchuan has always respected soldiers very much. When a disaster strikes, the first to rush to the scene are soldiers! The first to risk their lives for rescue are soldiers. What reason does he have to not respect this profession? And in the chaotic world of collapse, as long as A courageous leader.

So working with politicians is not a good idea.

But now Mu Dong's mother is in their hands, unless there is a way to "steal" her away without anyone noticing.

Xiang Nanchuan hesitated for a moment, "I have to report this to my superiors. I also work for others. This matter is very important and I can't make the decision."

Ge Feng had guessed that there must be someone behind Xiang Nanchuan, and his power was not small. He took out so many supplies at once, which was more than the total supplies of the first three teams in the base combined. Such a large-scale effort was shocking. He was secretly shocked. Xiang Nanchuan and the others didn't look like they came from that small place in Xizhou. Instead, they looked more like people from Beicheng. If his guess was true, then the forces behind Xiang Nanchuan were probably from Beicheng. big family.

Unbeknownst to Xiang Nanchuan, Ge Feng had labeled him a "second generation official".

The waiter served the food, and several people chatted happily during the dinner. After finishing the meal, Ge Feng was sent away. Xiang Nanchuan suddenly showed his exhaustion. Dealing with these politicians was more tiring than fighting a hundred zombies. Every word he said was Be careful not to say the wrong thing and make others aware of it.

However, the matter was not over yet. When paying the bill, Xiang Nanchuan's face froze when he saw the amount on the bill. Four dishes, three vegetarian and one meat, plus a pot of tomato and egg drop soup, cost ten second-level crystal nuclei!

How much chicken and tomatoes can be bought in his supermarket with ten secondary crystal nuclei! ! !

Xiang Nanchuan took out the crystal core and slapped it on the cashier, turned around and left. Next time he would never come to such a ghost place again! What a trap!

Although Xiang Nanchuan is a rich second generation, his father has never pampered his children. Although the food he grew up eating is better than that of ordinary families, his monthly pocket money is only ten yuan, so he must spend the pocket money he receives sparingly. I went to another province for college, and I was given 500 yuan for living expenses every month. If I didnt have enough money, I had to work on my own to make money. So Xiang Nanchuan saves money, eats in the cafeteria every day, and is reluctant to spend money on drinks. Even when he invites a girl to dinner, he goes to the cafeteria. This probably makes people feel too stingy. Whenever he meets a girl he likes, he doesn't get along half as well. Yue was issued a good person card.

When I think about it, I feel sad. I am so handsome, but I can't find a girlfriend.

After coming out of Baiwei Pavilion, they went their separate ways and returned to the supermarket in Xiang Nanchuan, while Chen Chong and Mu Dong went to inquire about the situation.

The second store is on the right track, and Xiang Nanchuan is thinking that if this continues, he will be able to open a third store before the Chinese New Year, but the location of the third store has not yet been decided.

"Hello, hello!" A nervous voice interrupted Xiang Nanchuan's thoughts.

Xiang Nanchuan looked up, and after seeing who it was, he smiled and said, "It's you." Xiao stuttered.

Qiao Xuan stared at Xiang Nanchuan and placed the energy drink in his hand on the cashier, "I'll buy this."

"This costs one thousand gold coins." Xiang Nanchuan asked repeatedly, "Are you sure you want to buy it?"

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now