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The move just now exhausted all Brother Lu's powers, and the thunder and lightning released exceeded the load his body could bear. His body was swaying, his expression was unbearable, and he felt that the energy in his body became more turbulent and violent, as if There is a force that wants to rush out of the body.

If it weren't for such a critical moment, Brother Lu might have discovered that the changes in the energy in his body were clearly a sign of the advancement of his powers.

The figure of Chi Yan in front of him became blurry, but his brain was extremely clear. He saw Chi Yan walking towards him step by step. The steady and rhythmic footsteps seemed like the call of death, pulling him in. abyss.

Brother Lu twitched the corners of his mouth, gasped, and laughed loudly.

How could he die so soon? When the apocalypse broke out, he awakened the most powerful thunder power. It was clear that he would become the overlord of a party and be worshiped by thousands of people.

Brother Lu felt that he was hallucinating before his eyes. He saw himself surrounded by many people and walked into a city. Everyone looked at him with awe...

Chi Yan noticed that Brother Lu was in a bad state, and he quickly came over. He was about to advance.

He waved his hand and shot out a fire dragon. The fire dragon hit Brother Lu, and something seemed to break apart when it covered Brother Lu's body. There was a "crackling" sound, and several tiny blue lights flashed past. Brother Lu spat out a mouthful of blood and came back to his senses instantly. He looked at Chi Yan with cold eyes, as if he wanted to remember Chi Yan's appearance in his mind. "I," he spat out another mouthful of blood.

Chi Yan's punch was as fast as lightning, and his fist was wrapped in raging fire and passed through Brother Lu's heart. Brother Lu's expression froze and his eyes gradually faded.

Chi Yan threw a ball of fire and burned Brother Lu's body.

After doing this, he subconsciously looked up to the third floor. He saw thick smoke billowing from the third floor and the entire floor was on fire. He walked into the store with a stern face. Many people rushed out. Chi Yan grabbed one of them casually. People, "Where is Xiang Nanchuan?"

The man saw it was Chi Yan and was about to speak when he felt his thighs seemed to be burned. Only then did he notice that his clothes were on fire. He quickly put out the fire, "The store manager seems to be still on the third floor."

Chi Yan rushed up the stairs quickly.

The third floor had turned into a sea of ​​flames. The fat man supported Xiang Nanchuan, and the two of them staggered away towards the stairs, with a short-haired woman chasing after them.

Xiang Nanchuan felt it was difficult to breathe, and his eyes were stinging from the thick smoke. He covered his mouth and nose, but the person with the superpower kept chasing him.

Is it possible that he is going to die here?

Xiang Nanchuan almost wanted to curse, this man was really haunting.

Five minutes ago, Chi Yan covered him and left. As he walked down the stairs, he suddenly heard the fat man's painful wails. Xiang Nanchuan immediately turned around and ran towards the source of the sound. He saw a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms being raped by a petite man. The woman raised it high and was about to smash it down.

Xiang Nanchuan immediately trembled, "Popeye, this is it." He quickly used his superpower on the woman. The woman's movements slowed down, and Xiang Nanchuan hurriedly rescued the fat man.

When dealing with the speed power user earlier, Xiang Nanchuan had consumed most of his power. In addition, the woman was a power user and was very strong. When Xiang Nanchuan used time to restrain her, she quickly broke free with willpower, so that Xiang Nanchuan could only trap her for a while to buy time to escape.

A few meters ahead was the stairwell. At this moment, the chandelier hanging above the head slammed in front of the two of them. The fat man helped Xiang Nanchuan to brake urgently. In this moment, the person with the superpower had already caught up with her. His fist hit hard, and the fat man's huge body suddenly fell forward, dragging Xiang Nanchuan and rolling on the ground.

The back of Xiang Nanchuan's head hit the ground with a "thud" sound. Xiang Nanchuan's face turned pale in pain.

After a slight delay, the fire spread to the stairwell and engulfed the entire stairwell in the blink of an eye. The fire continued to extend to the second floor.

Xiang Nanchuan was so dizzy that he grabbed the railing and said to the fat man: "Jump down."

Without saying a word, the fat man jumped off the second floor with Xiang Nanchuan. Xiang Nanchuan used up the last of his superpowers to buffer the two of them from falling.

The two fell to the ground and Xiang Nanchuan quickly got up. He pushed the fat man and said, "Let's go quickly."

The moment they landed, the woman jumped down from the second floor. She shouted loudly and hit her face with her fist.

The fat man didn't even think about it. He turned around and used his huge body to protect Xiang Nanchuan and blocked the attack with his back. There was a crisp sound of bones breaking, and the fat man screamed in pain, "Oh my god!"

Xiang Nanchuan's expression was complicated. He never thought that Fatty would rather sacrifice himself to protect him. For this life-saving grace, Xiang Nanchuan officially accepted Fatty, "Fatty, are you okay?"

Blood continued to pour out of the fat man's mouth, and the firelight reflected in his eyes. He said intermittently: "Not yet dead."

"Xiang Nanchuan!" A deep voice came through the thick smoke.

Its Chi Yan!

"I'm...ahem...I'm here." Xiang Nanchuan took another puff of smoke, and Chi Yan's tall figure appeared in his blurred vision.

"She's a superpower!"

The woman picked up the sofa chair next to her and threw it towards them. Chi Yan raised his hand for a moment before he dodged away from the sofa chair, rushed towards the woman at high speed, and kicked her in the air. The woman raised her arms to resist, her feet firmly planted on the ground.

The woman grabbed Chi Yan's ankle with her backhand and tried to throw him downstairs.

Chi Yan swiped his right foot, and the woman's head was knocked aside by him.

Xiang Nanchuan said "tsk, tsk" twice, really showing no mercy to her.

Although he was thinking this, Xiang Nanchuan's eyes narrowed and he shouted loudly: "Chi Yan takes advantage of the moment!"

As his words fell to the ground, the woman's movements stopped for a moment. Chi Yan threw out a fireball, and the flames enveloped the woman inside. The woman was instantly burned into flames.

Xiang Nanchuan was lying on the ground, feeling like he couldn't use any strength. Suddenly he heard Mu Dong's call, "Captain! Store manager! Are you here?"

Mu Dong ran over. He and Chi Yan supported the fat man, Xiang Nanchuan buried his head in Chi Yan's arms, and they rushed out of the women's clothing store.

Just as they walked out of the women's clothing store, the ceiling on the second floor collapsed, and the splashed sparks landed on Xiang Nanchuan's trousers. Xiang Nanchuan stamped his feet and took a deep breath of cold air.

The fat man's face was pale. He said weakly: "I may not be able to hold on any longer. Mudong, please live well."

Mudong held Fatty's hand and kept transmitting his powers. He interrupted Fatty's words, "Fat brother, stop talking. Save your energy."

Xiang Nanchuan had a splitting headache. He held his forehead and groaned: "Midong, please give me a sip of milk, I can't breathe."

Mu Dong's head was covered with black lines, but seeing that Xiang Nanchuan's face was extremely ugly, he hurriedly sent some powers to Xiang Nanchuan, and Xiang Nanchuan's face soon became rosy.

After the fat man's life was no longer in danger, several people supported each other and walked to the bookstore opposite.

The women's clothing store behind them was engulfed in fire. Chi Yan suddenly looked back and said to Nanchuan, "What?"

Chi Yan shook his head, "It's nothing." He's just an unimportant person.

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now