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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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One person argued subconsciously.
  But it was obvious that whether it was the smell of roasted chestnuts or honey, the presence of another wonderful smell in the sewer was abnormal in itself.
  Xiang Nanchuan showed a vigilant look and searched the surroundings inch by inch, trying to find the source of the smell.
  Several of Chen Chong's men were all experienced veterans. Without waiting for Chen Chong to say anything, they automatically formed a circle back to back, wrapping a few young and old people from the Chi family who had no fighting ability in the middle.
  Mu Helian's beautiful red phoenix eyes suddenly turned into vertical pupils, and the ice-yellow pupils glowed with the light of beasts. She was facing away from everyone, but no one saw this scene.
  At this time, everyone saw her taking off the big knife from behind. Mu Helian's noses were much sharper than those of people with supernatural powers. While others were still identifying what the smell was, she had already found the source of the smell.
  "This is indeed B09. We discovered it so quickly." A slightly hoarse female voice suddenly sounded. At the same time, in this gloomy tunnel, a gust of wind blew for no reason, as if it had a cold breath, which made people feel uneasy. Creepy.
  Hearing the code name B09, Mu and Lian couldn't help but think of those days in the research institute, and her calm face suddenly flashed with a fierce look.
  The moment the wind stopped, the knife in Mu Helian's hand fell down, with a "clop" sound, and accompanied by sparks flying when the blades collided, everyone looked over, but saw no one in front of Mu Helian. .
  Xiang Nanchuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he swayed and kicked forward with a flying kick. This kick was 100% powerful. The top of his foot touched the strong crotch. With a muffled groan, a figure gradually appeared. .
  The man, Mo, was about 1.6 meters tall, slightly chubby, with triangular eyes. When he looked at people with his eyes hanging, he always gave people a cunning and insidious feeling.
  Xiang Nanchuan looked at Triangle Eyes with interest, "Invisible man? That's interesting."
  Triangle Eyes raised his hand to wipe the side of his face where Xiang Nanchuan kicked him hard, and sneered again and again, "It is rumored that the store manager Xiang is gentle and humble. Today It seems that outsiders have overestimated their praise."
  "Oh?" Xiang Nanchuan raised his eyebrows. He really didn't know what outsiders thought of him like this, "I have always had revenge and grievances, but for your God's Domain I can't repay evil with kindness."
  Every account in the past few years, plus the attack half a year ago, caused him to be detained in Xizhou, but he remembered clearly that it was time to pay the debts The resting place is back.
  Xiang Nanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly and took action in the light of lightning. Now he is no longer Wu Xia Amon. During the six months in Xizhou, he has not been recuperating from his injuries. Chi Yan knew that he could not keep him in Xizhou forever, so he became cruel and threw him into a training camp for superpowers to train with the team.
  In addition to daily training, he also had to learn boxing and marksmanship. It can be imagined that when he walked out of the gate of Xizhou City half a year later, he was as excited as if he had just been released from prison.
  Xiang Nanchuan was very fast, and Triangle Eye was no match for him. He swept with his right foot, and Triangle Eye quickly retreated. Unexpectedly, Xiang Nanchuan made a move from east to west. As he spun around, the dagger hidden in the palm of his hand went straight towards him. The facade flew away.
  Seeing that the dagger was only three centimeters away from his right eye, Triangle Eye wanted to avoid it, but at this moment his feet were entangled by branches that came out of the ground, and he could not move. In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Triangle Eye's forehead. Come down.
  Her life was hanging by a thread. Aina, who was standing next to the triangular eye, snorted coldly, flicked the long braid in her hand, and the whip was like a sensitive little snake, wrapping around the dagger. Then she saw Aina turn her wrist, and the long braid wrapped around the dagger in one direction. Turn around and head towards Nanchuan.
  Several actions took only the blink of an eye. If Xiang Nanchuan had reacted slower, he might have been successfully counterattacked by Aina. But surprisingly, Xiang Nanchuan seemed to have anticipated Aina's move in advance. The moment the dagger flew over, Xiang Nanchuan He jumped up lightly, stepped on the dagger with his toes, turned sideways, and kicked the hilt of the knife with a roundabout, causing the dagger to turn around and fly towards the triangular eye.
  Everyone took another closer look, and Xiang Nanchuan appeared in front of Triangle Eyes. Triangle Eye only noticed a gust of wind passing by, and the crisis in his heart increased in vain. Triangle Eye shook his head hard, and then there was severe pain in his shoulder, the skin and flesh were torn, and the knife wound was so deep that the bones were visible.
  Xiang Nanchuan turned his right hand, and stabbed Sanjiangyan's neck again with the gun in his hand. Sanjiangyan raised his hand, and at this moment, a huge force behind him kicked him to the ground.
  The earth-type superpower retracted his foot and apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, sorry, I'm reflexive."
  Triangle Eyes gritted his teeth. He knew he was no match for Xiang Nanchuan, so he rolled twice and disappeared.
  Ran? Walk towards Nanchuan in the direction where the triangle eye disappears.
  After taking two steps, the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He suddenly turned around and grabbed the earth-type superpower behind him, "Be careful!"
  In an instant, the sense of crisis in Xiang Nanchuan's heart reached its peak, and his efforts to pull him were in vain. It increased in size and successfully threw the opponent away.

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