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Chi Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "You care about her so much?"

Xiang Nanchuan shrugged, as if he didn't want to say more, "I can't explain too much to you, but please believe me, no matter what, she can't die in your hands. I hope she tries to kill herself as soon as possible. "Then he can send the person away and receive the other person's space.

The system warned him not long ago that every time traveler has his or her own protective device. Once their lives are threatened or Company B's secrets are involved, they will activate the protective device, so it is best not to kill them personally. Besides, although the time-traveling girl is not lovable, she is not guilty enough to die. Xiang Nanchuan does not want Chi Yan to get innocent lives on his hands.

"I understand." Chi Yan did not continue to ask. His deep eyes were fixed on Xiang Nanchuan, his lips moved slightly, and his words disappeared in the air, "Go ahead, go back early."

Chi Yan watched him leave towards Nanchuan until the sightseeing bus disappeared at the end of the road. He raised his hand and made a gesture. A few seconds later, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded in the opposite direction to the sightseeing bus. Chi Yan climbed onto the police motorcycle with long legs, started the engine, and drove towards the explosion.

The nearby zombies smelled the breath of living people, abandoned the sightseeing bus that had driven away, and chased the motorcycle all the way to the suburbs.

Most of the zombies in the city were led to the suburbs in the north of the city, and the highway out of the city was cleared in advance, so the sightseeing bus drove out of the city very smoothly.

But when they got to the suburbs and got on the expressway, the road ahead was blocked by vehicles. Xiang Nanchuan and the others had to drive the tour bus to the fields on both sides. Originally this was a rice field, and the harvest season had passed. Since no one was harvesting it, the golden and orange rice was all rotting in the soil. Chen Chong and the others felt a twinge of pain when they saw it. This was all food!

Xiang Nanchuan frowned. The soil in the field was abnormally dark. He thought of the rain that happened not long ago. Since the rain can make zombies evolve, will it be harmful to the soil? Will people turn into zombies if they eat food grown in the soil?

Xiang Nanchuan asked about the system.

The system said coldly: "You don't have to worry about this. People will not turn into zombies if they eat it. However, these soils are contaminated and it is difficult for anything to grow anymore."

Xiang Nanchuan's heart sank when he heard this. Once the soil stops producing food, it will be a real disaster.

The system changed its tone and said in a rare joke: "So store manager, the task of saving the people is left to you."

Xiang Nanchuan was speechless. He lightly clasped his fingers on the armrest, "1314, can I ask you a question?"

System: "Ask."

"How did the apocalypse happen? Why did your company open a supermarket in this world?"

The system said coldly, "Is this a problem for you?"

"Boss, don't worry about these details!"

The system said calmly: "The occurrence of the apocalypse is accidental and inevitable. Every civilized world will experience it once when it develops to a certain level. If you want to ask what directly caused the apocalypse, then I can tell you clearly that the garbage from the universe has The RD virus accidentally came to this world attached to the surface of the meteorite. It floated in the atmosphere and fell to the ground with the rain. Depending on the individual's physical constitution, some people were infected with the virus and turned into zombies."

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