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A young man got out of the car, stood on tiptoe at the foot of the mountain, took a look, and ran back, "Captain, the road ahead is blocked."

Then a slightly cold voice came from the car, "Well, let's wait here for Qin Han and the others to come over."

The people in the car were Chi Yan and the others. They set out from Xizhou early yesterday morning. Because zombies have no body temperature and after the snow, most of the zombies were frozen. Let alone chasing the car, they couldn't even catch up with people. , so they encountered no danger along the way and successfully arrived at the outskirts of the provincial capital in one day.

This time, in addition to Hu Man, there were also Qin Han and the others, a total of more than thirty people. Chi Yan's people drove in front to clear the way, and Qin Han and the others followed behind. But it was unlucky. If they had come a few days earlier, they would not have arrived. You will encounter this mutant Datura.

Hu Man's body suddenly tilted to the side. He quickly pulled the car door with his eyes and hands, and then he didn't fall to the ground. He was confused and said at a loss: "Captain, I seem to be a little dizzy."

Chi Yan dragged Hu Man in and said, "Close the door." As soon as he said that, he immediately shifted into reverse gear and drove the car slowly back. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the white mandala on the animal carcass. The petals were white. Looks innocent and harmless.

The car retreated for more than a hundred meters, and Hu Man finally caught his breath. His face was still in a trance. He looked at the time and saw that only one minute had passed. "I seem to have had a very long dream."

At this time, he heard the sound of a vehicle approaching. He got up from the passenger seat and looked behind him. It was Qin Han and the others who were catching up.

In addition to Qin Han's car, there were more than a dozen unknown cars. Y. X. D. J.

Qin Han and others got out of the car, came over and knocked on Hu Man's window, and found that the door was not closed tightly, "What's wrong?"

Chi Yan said: "Don't go there, there is a mandala in front of you, don't get close."

After hearing this, Qin Han took a breath and looked cautious. Anyone with a little common sense knows that Datura datura is poisonous. The fruits, especially the seeds, are the most poisonous, followed by the young leaves. The dry leaves are less toxic than the fresh leaves. Symptoms of Datura poisoning usually appear half an hour after eating, and may appear as soon as 20 minutes or no later than 3 hours. The symptoms usually disappear or basically disappear within 24 hours. In severe cases, they may fall into coma, convulsion, and finally fall asleep after 24 hours. Death from coma.

But the toxicity is not that great, and it is impossible to get dizzy after smelling the fragrance. Chi Yan raised his eyes and looked at the datura above. He was afraid that these datura had mutated.

In the case of unequal information, even Chi Yan only guessed half of it right. It was not these datura. Looking at the mountain of datura, there was actually only one.

When the people in the vehicle behind saw that the vehicle in front had stopped, they rolled down their windows and shouted from a distance: "Why don't you keep walking? After passing this mountain, the Tianyang Base is in front of you!"

They met these people on the road. From the information they revealed in a few words, they learned that they were people from bases in several counties below. Because the bases were not easy to get around, there were not enough supplies, no food or clothing, and the weather was bad. It was cold, and many people at the base had starved to death and froze to death. They mustered up the courage and invited a group of relatives and friends to go to the base in the provincial capital.

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