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Chi Yan was strangely silent, "Zhou Hu won't survive tomorrow."

Xiang Nanchuan was suspicious, "You shouldn't start so quickly, right?" Since Chi Yan had not guessed accurately before, Xiang Nanchuan was skeptical.

Who would have thought that Chi Yan's words really came true this time.

The next morning, before Xiang Nanchuan got up, he heard a knock on the door outside. Xiang Nanchuan felt a little angry about getting up. If he didn't think of it himself, but was woken up by others, he would have a super temper. Irritated, he threw off the quilt, walked to the door with his slippers on, "You're looking for a beating so early in the morning, aren't you?!"

Hu Man outside the door ignored his cold face and rushed in as if being chased by a ghost. He shouted, "Store manager, help me! Zhou Hu is dead!"

Xiang Nanchuan was stunned, "Really dead?" Yesterday, he and Chi Yan were discussing whether to strike first and kill Suman, but unfortunately, a group of zombies came over last night and were wandering outside the mall. If they don't deal with it as soon as possible, they might climb over the obstacles at the intersection and come to Qingping Road, so Xiang Nanchuan and the others had to put Suman's affairs aside and deal with the zombies first.

Zombies came one after another from behind until midnight. Xiang Nanchuan was so sleepy that his brain was confused, and he couldn't remember Suman.

"We agreed to go to the mall to collect supplies today. When the time came this morning, Zhou Hu didn't come out, so I went to wake him up. Who knew that after knocking for a long time, there was no response, and I found that the door was unlocked. I opened the door. At first glance..." Speaking of this, Hu Man's expression was a little complicated. He really didn't like Zhou Hu, but seeing him die so miserably, he felt it was too cruel.

"Zhou Hu was cut into pieces, and the ground was covered with body parts and blood..." Recalling that scene, Hu Man's stomach tumbled. Even if he was used to seeing zombies eating people, he was not familiar with such a heinous killing method. , Hu Man still found it difficult to accept.

It does seem like Suman did it. According to Chi Yan, she is a wind power user, and her strength is on par with Brother Lu. Xiang Nanchuan held his forehead with a headache. This time it was bad. Suman escaped. .

Suman was a hidden danger after all. They killed Suman's concubines. Suman probably wanted to skin them and dismember them. Thinking of Zhou Hu's death, Xiang Nanchuan was a little scared.

Hu Man came over and made such a big noise that it woke up the people in the bookstore next door.

Chi Yan jumped directly from the second floor window, "Where are the others?"

There was a fierce aura about Chi Yan, and Hu Man did not dare to be presumptuous in front of him. He answered honestly: "Suman is the only one who left. There are two water power users, two earth power users, and A person with powers is still here."

Chi Yan nodded, "Take us there."

Xiang Nanchuan pulled his hair and said, "You guys wait a minute. I'll go wash up. I'll be there soon."

Slamming the door shut, blocking everyone else's view.

A few minutes later, Xiang Nanchuan finished washing, put on his camouflage clothes and low-cut desert boots, and set off.

Chi Yan and the others also took care of themselves, leaving only a few people in the bookstore who were seriously injured and unfit to move, including Fatty, and they all set off to Jinghua Community.

Hu Man led them into Jinghua Community smoothly. It must be that Zhou Hu's death made everyone uneasy. No one stopped them at this time, but the two dogs tied at the door barked at them twice. , and was stopped by Hu Man again.

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