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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Hesitantly asked.
  "Yes." Zhong Hesheng was still feeling guilty, but he was also thankful. When he predicted that Xiaoyuan was in danger, he forced his way into the emissary's house. When he saw Xiaoyuan being held down by several people and force-fed poison, Zhong Hesheng almost stopped breathing. .
  Because Zhong Hesheng stopped him in time, the poison only touched Liu Yuan's lips and was not swallowed into her mouth. However, Liu Yuan was no more than an ordinary person. This drop of medicine could almost kill Liu Yuan, but it only touched the corner of her lips. It immediately made Liu Yuan sleepy. If she didn't detoxify, her life would be in danger sooner or later.
  "Store manager, I would like to ask you for a bottle of antidote." Zhong Hesheng said with difficulty.
  Xiang Nanchuan said without thinking, "Okay," after a pause, "You know what I want to ask. I want you to tell me everything that happened after you left Xizhou." "I
  know I can't hide it from you." Zhong Hesheng smiled bitterly, "I met Su Anzhe, and he told me that he would give me a surprise when he came to God's Domain in November."
  "What surprise?"
  Zhong Hesheng was silent for a moment, "Prophecy of supernatural powers."
  Xiang Nanchuan was stunned. As far as he knew, There is currently only one person in this world who has the power of prophecy, and that is Cheng Gui. If Zhong Hesheng wants to obtain the power of prophecy, he has only one way, which is to devour Cheng Gui's power.
  "Yes, I devoured Cheng Gui's superpower." Zhong Hesheng admitted frankly.
  "Did Su Anzhe ask you to do this?" Xiang Nanchuan was confused. What did Su Anzhe want to do?
  "When I arrived, I saw Su Anzhe defrauding Cheng Gui and killing him." Zhong Hesheng added, "Su Anzhe is not only a healing power user, I saw him shoot a black light, and his power is highly corrosive. Effect."
  Xiang Nanchuan calculated silently. He must have been too far away at that time and the system did not detect Cheng Gui's death. Unfortunately, his golden finger was not successfully recovered.
  Xiang Nanchuan secretly poked at the system, "Isn't Su Anzhe a healing superpower? How come he has two superpowers at the same time? Could it be that his superpower is the same as Zhong Hesheng's, which is devouring?" The
  system said very definitely, "My The test cannot be wrong, Su Anzhe is 100% a healer."
  "It's a little strange." Zhong Hesheng recalled the two meetings with Su Anzhe, "Su Anzhe is a little weird, sometimes gentle, sometimes violent, give me It feels like a different person."
  "Okay, I understand, thank you for reminding me." Xiang Nanchuan raised his index finger and tapped his knee. He had been in contact with Su Anzhe several times. To be honest, he didn't notice anything strange at the time. I'm a little concerned about the fact that he is a variable in the system.
  He always thought that Su Anzhe used the surface gentleness to build himself up. After all, the image of a benevolent believer was more conducive to preaching.
  But that doesn't seem to be the case now.
  Xiang Nanchuan thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure it out, so he simply gave up.
  Xiang Nanchuan patted his knees and stood up. He suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, which direction is the Divine Realm?"
  Zhong Hesheng said: "This is the junction of the Divine Realm and Shan Fei. You go straight to the northeast and exit the deep forest. , climb another mountain, and you will see the south gate of God's Domain."
  This was embarrassing, and he went in the wrong direction and touched his nose towards Nanchuan.
  "Thank you." Xiang Nanchuan took out a bottle of antidote from the warehouse and handed it to Zhong Hesheng, "Just feed it to her. I can't guarantee that it will be effective." Although the antidote can cure hundreds of poisons, if it was made by Aina, , I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome.
  Zhong Hesheng couldn't help but squeeze the antidote in his hand, "Anyway, thank you."
  The firelight danced, making Zhong Yao's young face innocent and innocent, and he sighed quietly to Nanchuan, "Brother Zhong, to be honest, you have never complained in your heart. Me?"
  Hearing this, Zhong Hesheng's eyes suddenly became sour. He choked and said: "Manager, you are very good. I have no right to blame you. It is all the fault of the Saint'an Church from beginning to end. Zhong Yao did something wrong. , his death is not a pity. If it were not for your mercy, Zhong Yao and I would not have escaped from the base with our lives."
  Xiang Nanchuan laughed silently, he stood up and patted Zhong Hesheng on the shoulder, "I'm leaving, and we will never see you again."
  Xiang Nanchuan laughed silently. Nanchuan did not stay overnight. In any case, since the estrangement has been created, their relationship will never return to the beginning. If not, they will never see each other again in this life, without nostalgia, without resentment, everyone is well.
  Zhong Hesheng hugged his wife tightly, his lips trembled a few times, but he couldn't say "goodbye" after all.
  Zhong Hesheng lowered his head and looked at Liu Yuan quietly, and fed her the antidote. Soon the toxin on Liu Yuan's lips faded away, and she slowly opened her eyes.
  To Zhong Hesheng, these black eyes were as bright as bright stars.
  "Who are you?"
  Seeing the man's expression that looked like he was crying but not crying, Liu Yuan felt the urge to cry for some reason.
  Liu Yuan lost her memory.
  She forgot about Zhong Hesheng and Zhong Yao, but she only remembered that she loved someone deeply.

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