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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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  Xiang Nanchuan originally wanted to take it apart to see if he could make it himself, but the system immediately poured cold water on him, "Stop dreaming, let alone mobile phones, you can't even make a single part."
  The system explained, These mobile phones are children's mobile phones that have been eliminated for hundreds of years. They only have call and messaging functions and cannot surf the Internet or play games. Although they are just children's mobile phones, every part inside is made of ore produced by them. , so Xiang Nanchuan cannot make the same mobile phone anyway.
  Xiang Nanchuan curiously asked the system what they used for communication.
  The system reluctantly told him that they used human implanted chips, which allowed them to communicate and holographically surf the Internet with just one thought.
  Finally, the system proudly said that it would take at least a thousand years to catch up with their technology.
  Xiang Nanchuan felt quite sorry. It would be great if this kind of black technology could be brought back.
  Back to the topic, Xiang Nanchuan received the news from Qin Han and immediately found Chi Yan. He wanted to go to the hospital and meet Yun Yan in person to determine where Yun Yan's true identity was hidden. Xiang Nanchuan has mastered the time power, and he will definitely be able to find out Yun Yan's true identity this time.
  Chi Yan immediately made arrangements to move Zheng Bin out. As expected, Zheng Bin's treatment will end tomorrow. According to Qin Han's report, Zheng Bin will be able to communicate with people normally starting yesterday.
  Chi Yan also arranged for a person with special powers who was good at disguise to stay in the hospital pretending to be Zheng Bin.
  Everything is ready, just waiting for the east wind.
  The hospital seemed too cold that day. Nowadays, a cold medicine sells for 100 credits. Ordinary survivors cannot afford such expensive medical expenses. Ordinary colds and fevers can only be treated at home. Those who dare to come to the hospital must not Someone who is almost dying of illness, or someone who is either rich or noble.
  Xiang Nanchuan wore a mask, lowered his head, and walked hurriedly.
  On the chair in the corridor, the young man was playing with the walnuts in his hand. His eyelids were drooped, as if he didn't notice the movement around him. When he passed by Nanchuan, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, but he never raised his eyelids.
  Xiang Nanchuan walked to the ward at the end of the corridor. The bodyguard guarding the door questioned him before letting him in.
  Seeing this, the young man narrowed his eyes.
  Xiang Nanchuan walked into the ward, took off his mask, looked at the lump on the bed, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Stop pretending, it's me."
  Hearing this, the man who was pretending to be sleeping lifted up the quilt and looked shy He flattered: "Manager, why are you here?"
  This person is a superpower named Cheng Baiyu in the team. Before the end of the world, he was a makeup artist. I wonder if it is related to his profession. The awakened superpower is somewhat similar to Zhu Lili's. , proficient in disguise, and having been Zheng Bin's caregiver for a while, he imitated Zheng Bin so well that even people who were familiar with Zheng Bin couldn't recognize him.
  Xiang Nanchuan pointed to his nose and said, "The nose is crooked."
  Cheng Baiyu subconsciously touched his nose, and sure enough, it was a little crooked. He kneaded it nimbly a few times with his fingers, and the nose returned to its original shape.
  Xiang Nanchuan glanced at him in surprise, and then said, "I'll come over and give you something." As he said that, he took out a key from his pocket and threw it to Cheng Baiyu.
  Cheng Baiyu took the key and asked, "How do you use this thing?"
  Everyone in the team knew what they were doing. They knew that what the store manager brought out were all good things, so Cheng Baiyu accepted it with a polite smile.
  Xiang Nanchuan said cautiously: "You will know how to use it by then. Yun Yan is a very dangerous person. If you really encounter a life or death situation, remember to use it."
  Cheng Baiyu carefully put away the key.
  This key is Xiang Nanchuan's self-made time and space key. In other words, using this key can open the door of time and space. However, Xiang Nanchuan's strength is limited. The so-called door of time and space is not that mysterious. It can only set time back thirty seconds. This was enough time for Cheng Baiyu to escape.
  In order to make this key, Xiang Nanchuan almost emptied his energy. Xiang Nanchuan has been mentally depressed these days, which made Chen Chong and the others look at him particularly delicately. Xiang Nanchuan was really in trouble, and he couldn't go and explain to them. , you misunderstood, Chi Yan and I did nothing.
  After giving the key to Cheng Baiyu, Xiang Nanchuan looked outside. Yun Yan was no longer in the corridor. He was probably still checking in. Xiang Nanchuan only stayed for a while and then went back.
  Anyway, he already got the information he wanted.
  No one would have thought that Yun Yan's true identity was actually hidden in Tianlong Base. No wonder he was confident.
  Xiang Nanchuan felt that he could not see through Li Guang. On the one hand, Tianlong Base was against the illegal traveler alliance, but on the other hand, it was secretly in contact with Yun Yan. What was his intention?

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