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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Brother said cheerfully: "I will take you there right now."
  Brother Biao took them to a three-story house with a courtyard. The exterior walls of the house were covered with porcelain tiles. Even before the end of the world, it could be regarded as a country mansion. .
  The house is very clean and fully equipped with furniture and electrical appliances. It has seven bedrooms and three living rooms, and more than 100 of them can still fit in if they barely squeeze together.
  After making the decision, Qin Han and others went to the base's temporary parking lot, drove their car back, and parked it in the yard. He took out a hundred pounds of cornmeal from the car and gave it to Brother Biao.
  Brother Biao weighed the weight of the cornmeal and said with satisfaction: "If you have anything to do, just go to the house where I was."
  Qin Han handed him a cigarette, "We want to buy some salt and go back. I wonder, Brother Biao, do you have any?" Do you have access?"
  The price of salt at the base is clearly marked. Two pounds of cornmeal are exchanged for one pound of salt. If you have access, you can lower the price by half. Feng Kun found this out from elsewhere, and he told Xiang Nanchuan and the others without reservation.
  Brother Biao held a cigarette in his mouth, "How much do you want to buy?"
  Chi Yan said: "Four tons."
  Brother Biao frowned, "This is too much, I can only give you one ton. If it is too much, the clan will find out. "
  Don't think that Chenghai base now has a population equivalent to a town. They still continue the patriarchal system of the past. The clan leader has the highest law enforcement power. Several older clan elders have also formulated a series of rules, one of which is about salt. . Anyone who violates the rules will be punished, and in serious cases they will be expelled from the clan.
  The Chenghai base is close to the sea and the soil is alkaline, which is not conducive to the growth of crops. They need to exchange a large amount of food with people outside to maintain the daily operation of the base.
  However, wealth is gained through danger, and no matter how severe the punishment is, some people will take risks in desperation.
  Qin Han waved, and Hu Mandeng picked up the ten-pound pumpkin from the car. Qin Han saw that Brother Biao couldn't move his eyes when he saw the pumpkin. Unexpectedly, he thought that he had sold himself for a pumpkin. The corners of his mouth twitched and he quickly returned to normal, "In addition to vegetables and fruits, there are also There are all kinds of cured meats, guaranteed to be fresh."
  Brother Biao held the cigarette between his fingers, and there was a struggle in his eyes. After a moment, he said: "One hundred kilograms each of vegetables, fruits and meat, one kilogram of cornmeal for one kilogram of salt."
  Chi Yan Nodding slightly, "I want to see four tons of salt in three days."
  "Three days won't work, it's too late, seven days."
  Chi Yan pondered for a moment, then agreed, and they also needed time to prepare cornmeal.
  They didn't bring much cornmeal with them. Cornmeal needs to be ground finely, which is very time-consuming. They had never thought of coming to Chenghai Base to exchange for salt. They didn't prepare much cornmeal, just enough for themselves.
  There are all kinds of flour in the space bracelet. Xiang Nanchuan didn't check it carefully, but he estimated that he could make eight thousand kilograms of cornmeal together.
  After reaching a verbal agreement, Brother Biao walked briskly with cornmeal in one hand and a big pumpkin in the other.
  They had a sumptuous seafood feast that night. Seafood was sold in supermarkets, but the variety was limited and expensive, so everyone only bought some occasionally to taste. Unlike here, where one pound of cornmeal can be exchanged for three pounds of sea fish. By the end of the meal, the plates on the table were in a mess, everyone's stomachs were round, and they were so satisfied.
  When he went to bed at night, Xiang Nanchuan tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He was thinking about Tianyang Base.
  The great changes in Tianyang Base were beyond Xiang Nanchuan's expectation. It is obviously impossible to close the second store. He needs to accumulate word-of-mouth value in order to continue to open new stores. If you continue to drive, you will only benefit the people of St. Ann's Church, and you won't be willing to think about it.
  Xiang Nanchuan's fuss made Chi Yan unable to sleep. He held Xiang Nanchuan in his arms and prevented him from moving. "I've sent people to investigate the situation at Tianyang. Soon There will be news coming."
  Xiang Nanchuan frowned, "I feel something is wrong with Major General Xu Luo. He even saved me once at that dinner party. He and Mayor Chen don't seem to be in the same group. What do you think? Did he have something that fell into the hands of Mayor Chen? Or Commander He..."
  Chi Yan also thought about the problem. Even Feng Kun and others knew the news that Commander He was seriously ill. I'm afraid it may not be groundless. If Commander He was the murderer, that would be really heartbreaking.
  Xiang Nanchuan had a premonition that everything would come to light when he and Major General Xu Luo met.
  In the next few days, they stayed at Chenghai Base and didn't go anywhere.
  Feng Kun came here twice, once to exchange food with Xiang Nanchuan, and again yesterday, carrying two lively fish. He said that they decided to stay here. They also rented a fishing boat and learned to fish with the locals. They just caught these two fish.
  On the third day, Shao Chengjun and the others finally came. When Shao Chengjun came, he also brought news that because Tianlong Base and Beicheng were too close, the zombies in Tianlong Base had threatened the safety of Beicheng, and the superiors decided to bomb Tianlong Base.
  Judging from the time, it probably started this afternoon.
  Xiang Nanchuan was stunned for a moment, "There are no survivors anyway, so just blow it up."
  The bombing of Tianlong Base lasted for three days and three nights. As far away as Chenghai Base, you could see the sky in the direction of Tianlong Base, covered with haze. The clouds are cloudy.
  The ashes drifted along the wind to the seaside a hundred miles away.
  However, a few days later, bad news came from Beicheng. After the bombing of Tianlong Base killed countless zombies, crystal nuclei were left everywhere. Some zombies ate the crystal nuclei and evolved for the third time.

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