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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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The potion was not as effective as the one he gave to Qiao Xuan before, and could only barely save Hu Feiyang's life.
  Chi Yan over there temporarily restrained He Luo. He had just caught He Luo off guard and successfully injured the opponent. Now He Luo was more vigilant, making it even more difficult for them to make a sneak attack.
  Seeing that Hu Feiyang's life was safe for the time being, Xiang Nanchuan took out his pistol and slashed at the two people who were fighting inseparably.
  He Luo kicked Chi Yan on the shoulder, and at the same time threw out the iron chain, wrapped it around him, and pulled hard, and he flew out of Xiang Nanchuan's hand and flew straight towards Chi Yan's neck.
  Chi Yan dodged sideways, and the bullet flew past his forehead. This scene was so frightening that Xiang Nanchuan broke into a cold sweat, and he almost murdered his own husband.
  In order not to accidentally injure others, Xiang Nanchuan changed his weapon to a pistol and joined in the close combat.
  The three people in the fierce battle did not notice that the dark night sky gradually changed color. First it was light purple, and then the color gradually deepened. Along with the rumbling thunder, a few dazzling white lights cut through the dark night sky.
  At the junction of Southwest and Shanfei, in the dark endless forest, Zhong Hesheng held a sharp blade in his hand, like a chasm, intercepting all the Saints of the Saint'an Sect who escaped from the God's Domain.
  Zhong Hesheng looked up at the night sky, as if feeling something, and then a faint sigh sounded in the air.
  It's about to end.
  At the same time, in the holy city that was in chaos, Hu Man and Fatty successfully broke into the dungeon, searched each cell, and finally saw Kuang Hefeng squatting on the ground in the last cell.
  Kuang Hefeng still looked like a half-orc, with red eyes, scars all over his body, his skin and flesh split open, and blood flowing all over the floor. When Hu Man and the others came forward, Kuang Hefeng looked dazed and didn't respond when called.
  Hu Man and the others had no choice but to violently break open the cell, and the two of them worked together to help Kuang Hefeng out of the dungeon.
  The moment he walked out of the dungeon, the sky was as bright as day, and a dark purple lightning was like a sharp axe, splitting the clouds and mist and falling straight down.
  When it fell into the air, the strips of lightning gathered into a huge thunderball and hit a certain place.
  Feeling the danger, Xiang Nanchuan shouted anxiously, "Chi Yan!"
  Chi Yan immediately understood. His superpower suddenly broke out, and the blazing flames formed a circle, blocking He Luo in the ring of fire.
  At the same time, Xiang Nanchuan picked up Hu Feiyang and held Chi Yan with one hand. Golden light flashed in his eyes, illuminating the cracks in time and space. He took the two of them with him to Nanchuan, passed through the cracks in time and space, and disappeared.
  The moment a few people disappeared, the thunderball fell down, and with a "boom", the palace with a radius of hundreds of miles was razed to the ground.
  Lingshan is no man's land.
  Dozens of high-level lightning power users exhausted all their powers and collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.
  Everyone shouted in unison: "Major General, fortunately you have lived up to your command!" Yu Xi said exclusively.
  This battle was so tragically won that Gao Dayong couldn't help but burst into tears and choked out, "Major General Xu, fortunately you are willing to come and help."
  Major General Xu Luo said sternly: "General Gao, you are serious. If If you hadn't persisted until now, how could we have solved the Sheng'an Sect so easily? We owe you a thank you."
  Gao Dayong wiped his tears, "
  Young boy from the Chi family..." "Don't worry, Xiang Nanchuan's strength is unfathomable. , they have their own way to escape." Major General Xu Luo really didn't mean it. They received a message from Gao Dayong asking for help and immediately rushed over from Tianyang Base in a helicopter.
  But it was still a step too late. The Divine Realm was already in complete chaos. They also learned that several elders of the Sheng'an Sect were all dead, so they locked He Luo's position and asked a dozen thunder-type superpowers to output their superpowers. Ju Lei is ready to solve He Luo once and for all.
  I just didn't expect that Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan would appear there, and it would be too late to stop the plan.
  Although he knew that there was something wrong with Xiang Nanchuan's origin, Major General Xu Luo did not want to kill him. These people from another world have brought disaster to this world, but also brought hope.
  And Xiang Nanchuan is this hope.
  At the foot of the mountain outside the southern gate of God's Domain, Xiang Nanchuan stood firm, and looked nervously at Chi Yan. Fortunately, there were no missing arms or legs. It was his first time teleporting with someone, and he was afraid that he could not control it well and pass through. When time and space cracked, people were lost.
  Fortunately he didn't lose it, otherwise he wouldn't have a boyfriend.
  "Well..." Hu Feiyang groaned in discomfort as he was being carried on his shoulders.
  Xiang Nanchuan quickly put the person down, but Hu Feiyang closed his eyes and passed out again.
  Chi Yan turned his wrist and asked Xiang Nanchuan to grab his hand and change it to a five-finger clasp. Chi Yan smiled slightly and said, "It should be over." "
  Then let's go find Hu Man and the others..." Xiang Nanchuan was furious. Need to find someone.
  Chi Yan used his arms hard to pull Xiang Nanchuan back into his arms. He raised his finger and pointed at the night sky, "Don't worry, there is a meteor shower. Let's go after watching it." "
  Meteor shower?" Xiang Nanchuan nestled in Chi Yan's arms and looked up. Heaven, "Where did the meteor shower come from..."
  A shining light streaked across the silent and cold night sky.
  "(⊙o⊙)Wow! Meteor shower!" Xiang Nanchuan was pleasantly surprised, his eyes sparkling as if millions of stars fell into his eyes.

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