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Chi Yan seemed to see Xiang Nanchuan's fear. He held Xiang Nanchuan's hand with his backhand, patted his back with the other hand, and said comfortingly: "Don't be anxious, speak slowly."

Xiang Nanchuan calmed down. There were many people here and it was not the place to talk. He stood up and said, "Go to my supermarket."

Chi Yan put his coat back on. He was worried that Xiang Nanchuan could not see the road clearly, so he lit a small flame on his fingertips to provide him with light.

Seeing Chi Yan's considerate behavior, the fear Xiang Nanchuan had just felt in his "dream" dissipated a lot.

The two of them made too much noise, and Mu Dong was woken up. He rubbed his eyes and said drowsily: "Store manager, where are you going?"

Xiang Nanchuan's tone was the same as usual, without any change, "I'm a little hungry. I'll go downstairs to find something to eat. Do you want it? I'll bring you an apple."

Mudong said: "Okay, I will return the gold coins to you next time."

The fat man's faint voice sounded, "The store manager will bring me two mangoes."

"Uh, okay."

Others also wanted Xiang Nanchuan to bring food back, but were too embarrassed to ask, so they could only watch the two of them walking downstairs.

After entering the supermarket, Xiang Nanchuan's face became solemn, "I suspect we have a traitor here." Time was running out, so he recounted what he saw in his "dream" in a few words.

Chi Yan frowned, "I was careless."

Xiang Nanchuan said: "It's none of your business." After all, no one expected that there would be someone who would take refuge in a violent person like Brother Lu. In a peaceful era, everyone would probably avoid him like a snake or a scorpion.

However, Brother Lu and the others did not expect that Xiang Nanchuan had time powers and noticed their plot first. This will make Xiang Nanchuan very happy that he awakened the time power and not other offensive powers.

Who will be the traitor? Xiang Nanchuan recalled everyone's faces in his mind. Except for the two of them and the man in the suit, there were thirty-six survivors in the bookstore. What impressed Xiang Nanchuan the most were the five employees of the hot pot restaurant and the ones who had come there. Xiang Nanchuan vaguely remembers the gentle man who bought fruit in the supermarket as "Zhong Hesheng" and the young man Dai Jun'an whose girlfriend turned into a zombie that day. Xiang Nanchuan has basically no memory of the others. He only recognizes their faces but can't remember their names.

Among these people, first of all, Mudong is the least likely to be a traitor, Fatty is also unlikely, and the rest are all suspects.

Chi Yan took his hand and looked at Nanchuan doubtfully, thinking he was going to do something, but Chi Yan checked the time with his watch.

"Ten fifty."

Xiang Nanchuan's heart skipped a beat, he didn't have time.

Chi Yan said calmly: "Let's go back and find the person who leaked the secret."

At this time, Chi Yan seemed to be confident that he had everything under control, and Xiang Nanchuan inexplicably believed that he would be able to uncover the traitor.

The two returned to the bookstore. Chi Yan turned on the power and the only light in the bookstore turned on. Under the dazzling light, everyone squinted their eyes and asked nervously: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Chi Yan's cold voice sounded, "Wake up everyone who is sleeping."

Although everyone was confused, they still followed Chi Yan's instructions and woke up the others.

  ✓ I Open a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now