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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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His killing methods, by the way, I forgot to tell you, he used to be a surgeon. "
  Cheng Liya was greatly shocked. She was only seventeen or sixteen years old 10 years ago. She vaguely remembered that that year, the news that more than a dozen women were killed one after another caused a sensation, and the police were unable to catch the murderer. At that time, people were panicked. , the school even canceled evening self-study, and asked them to go back from school early and not stay outside.
  Later, the murderer was never caught, because the murderer did not come out to commit crimes again, and gradually no one mentioned these cases anymore.
  This killer It's Su Anzhe?!
  "Okay, I'm just telling you this to remind you to stay away from Su Anzhe. I think he is very interested in you." "
  Cheng Liya, who was surrounded by cold-blooded people, couldn't help but shudder.
  "Since there is nothing wrong with your injury, we will set off tomorrow. Listen, we must not let Qiao Xuan go to Xizhou alive this time. Cheng Liya was a little embarrassed, "
  That Xiang Nanchuan is very cunning, we may not be able to find him." Ariel
  clasped her hands in front of her chest, looking confident, "As long as he goes back to Xizhou, I will have my own way to find him." "
  Cheng Liya suddenly remembered that she didn't know what Ariel's golden finger was. None of them knew about the golden finger of the leader or even Su Anzhe. These three people had hidden it too deeply.
  "Ah Sneeze——" At this time, he was Ariel rubbed her nose at Xiang Nanchuan while they were discussing, and thought to herself, who is scolding me? She muttered a few words. She tapped her fingers on the screen a few times and reported today's situation to Chi Yan.
  Of course there is such a thing as wearing women's clothing. , God knows and the earth knows, as long as his teammates know, there is no need to let Chi Yan know.
  Thinking of Gao Hu and the others holding back laughter when they saw him wearing women's clothes, Xiang Nanchuan gritted his teeth again, he hypnotized himself, as long as Chi Yan was not let Seeing this, he pretended that this kind of thing had never happened.
  Xiang Nanchuan and the others stayed at the base for three days. It was not until the injuries on their bodies were almost recovered that Xiang Nanchuan proposed to continue setting off. After all, if the delay continued, they would not be able to hide it from Sheng. An Jiao was the spy.
  The day before departure, Gao Hu, who was burly and disguised himself as a businessman, went out and bought a few rickshaws and rented a pickup truck. It was probably enough for a dozen of them to squeeze in. Cars are not cheap. , and it consumes fuel. If they bought a few cars at once, they would probably attract attention. However, Xiang Nanchuan has no plans to return this pickup truck, although the deposit for renting a pickup truck can buy 10 such pickup trucks.
  After getting everything ready, the next morning, they checked out one after another and rushed to the southern city gate.
  Gao Hu took a few "slaves" and set off early. Dalong drove a pickup truck, and several "slaves" followed the pickup truck on tricycles. The pickup truck and tricycle were loaded with a batch of "goods", and they were said to be going to the next base for trading.
  Y. , it's not worth a few crystal nuclei, and it's a waste of food.
  Gao Hu smiled heartily, and said calmly: "It doesn't cost much food, just let them chew the bark. It can be used for washing in cold weather." . "
  Looking at Gao Hu's honest look, however, these words made people's hair stand on end. Since then, no one dared to talk to Gao Hu.
  As for the "sisters", they went to the mission center in the past two days and spent a lot of money to publish a After waiting for two days for the missing person mission, the two of them decided to continue searching for their parents elsewhere.
  So the group came quietly and left quietly without alerting any senior officials at the base. Now.
  It has been two or three days since Cheng Baiyu returned to Xizhou. After arriving in Xizhou, he has been living in Qingping Street and dressed up as "Qiao Xuan". He has not gone out for several days. Only Qingping People on the street knew that he was actually Cheng Baiyu.
  Two years ago, Meng Long followed Qin Han and others to join the Xizhou base. After participating in the task of completing the base construction, Meng Long received a reward. With this reward, Meng Long A steamed stuffed bun shop opened in the commercial street.
  Most of the meat in the steamed stuffed bun shop is produced by the breeding farms at the base, and a small part is prey harvested by superpowers outside. He sells it here, so the business of the stuffed bun shop has always been very good. .
  Today, Meng Long took out the steamed buns for sale as usual. The steamer was steaming, and the meaty aroma of the buns spread to the whole street. In the past year, the lives of the survivors in the base have gotten better and better. Those who have a lot of money are too lazy to do it themselves. I made breakfast. I woke up every day and went out to buy two buns. I ate them all the way to my work place.
  As soon as the buns were brought out, Meng Long was surrounded by people. The buns were sold out in no time, and the last bun was left. , planning to keep it for lunch.
  Meng Long counted his credits and smiled so hard that his face became more rounded.
  After counting his credits, Meng Long prepared to pack his things and find a team in the afternoon. He went out to search for supplies.
  Then he caught a glimpse of a dirty little beggar from the corner of his eye, staring at him eagerly.
  "Kid, what do you think I am doing? "
  The child didn't respond to him either. A pair of big eyes, black and white, stared at him. The look in his eyes made people panic.
  Meng Long probably understood that the child was just looking at the buns in his hands. He waved in disgust. He waved his hand and said, "What are you looking at? Hurry up and go find something to eat by yourself when you are hungry. This is not a charity hall." "

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