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Seeing this, Xiang Nanchuan and the others asked curiously: "What is written on the note?"

Chi Yan walked into the house, closed the glass door on the balcony, and handed the note to Xiang Nanchuan.

"The person you are looking for is at Building 38, Shenghui Road?" Xiang Nanchuan took the note and read it out word for word.

Regardless of whether what was written on the note was true or not, what concerned Xiang Nanchuan and the others was who was coming? Their house was on the seventh floor, but the other party didn't alert anyone. They didn't realize it until the other party approached the balcony. Such strength was really frightening.

It is estimated that the opponent's power level should be about the same as Chi Yan's, and there are only two level three power users in Tianyang base.

After all this trouble, it was almost two o'clock in the morning, and Nini could still hold back her sleepiness, but the younger Yin Yin had already fallen asleep on the sofa. To prevent her from catching a cold, Xu Yuan took off his coat and covered her.

Xiang Nanchuan stood up and said, "It's very late. Let's go to bed first. We'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Xu Yuan said in a deep voice: "I will keep vigil."

"Then Nini and Yin Yin can sleep in my room." Mu Dong picked up Yin Yin on the sofa, "Brother Chen and I will sleep together."

Chen Chong quickly grabbed Qiao Xuan who was lying on the ground and put him on the sofa. "There is no room in the living room for me to sleep. Captain, why don't you squeeze in with the store manager?"

Xiang Nanchuan glanced at Chi Yan and did not refute.

The corners of Chi Yan's lips curled up in an inconspicuous arc. He hugged the pillow and quilt and entered Nanchuan's bedroom.

Xiang Nanchuan lay on the bed, with only the back of his furry head exposed. He lay on the bed with his back to Chi Yan, as if he refused to communicate.

As if a basin of cold water had been poured down his head, the enthusiasm in his heart gradually cooled down. Chi Yan made the bed in silence and tiptoed onto the bed.

In the darkness, he felt the bed beside him sink. Xiang Nanchuan's eyelashes fluttered slightly. After a long time, he sighed silently.

During this sleep, Xiang Nanchuan slept deeply. There was a big stove lying next door, and his whole body was warm. Xiang Nanchuan unknowingly relaxed his body and leaned towards the big stove.

When he woke up the next day, he found himself nestled in Chi Yan's arms. Xiang Nanchuan was extremely embarrassed. Just as he was about to step back, Chi Yan suddenly opened his eyes.

Their eyes met and Xiang Nanchuan said dryly: "Good morning!"

"Morning!" Chi Yan let go of Xiang Nanchuan as if nothing had happened and stood up to wash up.

Even though they slept late in the morning, everyone got up early in the morning. Chen Chong and the others first sent the sisters Nini to the Dragon Team, and then met up with Qin Han and others. Xiang Nanchuan and Chi Yan went to the opposite community to find Mrs. Chen and asked her if she knew about Building 38, Shenghui Road.

Mrs. Chen hesitated at first and refused to speak.

Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help his inner rage, pulled out the crystal core gun and put it against her head, "Are you going to say it or not?"

Mrs. Chen's legs were so frightened that she immediately shook her voice and said, "I will say it!"

"Say it!"

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