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After that, Xiang Nanchuan taught Mudong how to absorb crystal nuclei, and then threw him a few more crystal nuclei to let him calm down.

What Xiang Nanchuan didn't know was that under his intimidation and inducement, Mu Dong's position as the boss in Mu Dong's heart couldn't help but tilt towards him. It was really dumbfounding.

At this time, Xiang Nanchuan felt a pang of hunger in his belly. He had been much hungrier in the past few days, so he just endured it. How should these survivors in the supermarket settle down?

Chi Yan leaned against the door frame, a small flame dancing back and forth on his fingertips, like a naughty child. It looked a little cute and made people want to touch it. Xiang Nanchuan took a closer look, and the color of the fire seemed white. Some.

As far as he knows, under normal conditions, the temperature of fire is dark black below 500°C. When it rises to 700°C, the flame turns purple-red. When it rises to 800-900°C, the flame changes from red to yellow. At 1200°C, The flame shines brightly and gradually turns white. After it continues to rise to close to 3000°C, it becomes white-hot, which is equivalent to the temperature at which the tungsten filament of a light bulb shines. If it exceeds 3000°C, the flame turns from white to blue, which is the highest stage of combustion temperature.

Xiang Nanchuan was horrified, and the urge to touch him immediately dissipated.

At this time, Chi Yan flicked his fingers, and a small flame flew out of the door, and happened to land on the head of a passing zombie. Then the zombie's head suddenly started to burn, and in an instant, the zombie's head was burned into pieces. ash.

Xiang Nanchuan thought to himself: Fortunately, he didn't reach out to touch it for a moment, otherwise it would have been his fingers that were burned to ashes.

There were other people in the supermarket, so Xiang Nanchuan had no choice but to lower his voice and ask: "Your powers have improved a lot. Has it advanced?"

Chi Yan glanced at him, nodded slowly, and then said, "Are you hungry? There is still food at the cashier."

Xiang Nanchuan glanced at the survivors over there. There are so many hungry people, how dare you eat delicious instant noodles in front of them? Isnt this just causing hatred?

"Let's get them settled first."

Chi Yan pondered, "Go to the bookstore next door."

The zombies outside still had to be dealt with. Thinking of this, Xiang Nanchuan was so angry that his teeth itched. After a hard night last night, he returned to before liberation. He kept the appearance of the speedster deeply in his mind, and he would get back this debt sooner or later.

Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, Xiang Nanchuan asked the survivors with a cold face to go out to kill the zombies. Those who were unwilling to go out asked Xiao Ren to throw him out. If they go out on their own, they can still fight for their lives, but if they are thrown out, they will really die. Therefore, no matter whether they want it or not, they have to walk out of the supermarket with the steel pipe and the machete.

Even Mudong, such a precious healing power user, still wanted to go out to fight zombies. Xiang Nanchuan had no intention of treating him like a fragile doll. Anyway, you can heal yourself if you are injured, and it doesn't matter if you are scratched by a zombie. In this case, why should you be afraid of zombies?

Mudong also hoped that he could become stronger and not need anyone's protection, so he offered to go out and kill zombies without even asking Nanchuan to tell him.

Xiang Nanchuan expressed great satisfaction with Mu Dong's attitude.

This time, Chi Yan was in front to draw hatred. There were not many zombies rushing over. Two or three people formed a group and cooperated with each other. It would not be a problem to deal with one zombie.

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