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In just over ten seconds, Xiang Nanchuan's power was exhausted again, and his head was in confusion. Suddenly he felt a cold feeling between his eyebrows. After a moment of confusion, he suddenly woke up and saw Chi Yan's fingertips tapping his eyebrows lightly. , "Let's go."

Xiang Nanchuan said softly: "I saw that speedster."

Chi Yan put his arm around Xiang Nanchuan's shoulders and said, "I know, he is following us now. Shh! Don't talk."

Although their brainwaves didn't match, their meanings did.

Xiang Nanchuan listened attentively and found that there was another person's footsteps behind him. Even if the other person deliberately slowed down his steps, he had not been trained. Chi Yan, who was highly alert, found his presence easily.

Send a message to Nanchuan with his eyes and kill him? Xiang Nanchuan was shocked when he thought of this. When did he become so ruthless and ruthless, deciding the life and death of others at will? But when he thought of what happened that day, Xiang Nanchuan was frightened. If he hadn't been so lucky, he would have died. Died in the mouth of a zombie. Xiang Nanchuan's heart gradually became as hard as iron. He would rather be a blood-stained executioner than a kind and pure white lotus.

Chi Yan opened his thin lips and said silently: Now is not the time.

The two returned to the crossroads and caught up with the leading team.

When they came just now, they lured the zombies out of the shopping mall. Fortunately, there were not many of them. After some training from Chi Yan, these people had no problem dealing with a few zombies. When Xiang Nanchuan and the others came back, several zombies had been killed. They solved it. And among these people, no one was caught by the zombies. Only one uncle accidentally sprained his foot while avoiding the zombies.

Back at the bookstore, Chi Yan told everyone what happened in Jinghua Community. He also said that people from the shopping mall deliberately lured the zombies here.

He spread the matter out and let everyone decide whether to save the people in the community. Because what they are facing this time is not zombies, but living people, especially these people are crazy murderers.

After everyone listened, there was an expression of resentment on their faces, because among the people who died that day were their relatives and friends.

Zhong Hao thought of his girlfriend Xiaoli who had turned into a zombie. His eyes turned red and he said bitterly: "I really want to kill them all to avenge Xiaoli!"

Xiang Nanchuan thought for a long time, "The people in Jinghua Community should be controlled by them."

The fat man frowned, "I'm afraid Xie Hui will reveal our situation." We have only been together for two or three days, and there is not much relationship. If the other party uses torture, it is understandable that Xie Hui can't bear to tell it.

Chi Yan said: "They already knew about my powers, so there is no need to worry about that." The only thing he cared about was that Xie Hui would tell Xiang Nanchuan about the supermarket situation.

Xiang Nanchuan suggested: "Why don't we discover their hiding place in Jinghua Community before they know it? We can just go over and attack them at night."

"Not at night." Chi Yan said. It is inconvenient to move at night, and it may also cause accidental injury to one's own people. The best time for a sneak attack is before dawn in the early morning. "Better do it before daybreak tomorrow morning."

Mu Dong said sadly: "But we don't know which building Brother Lu and the others are in, how can we sneak attack on them?"

Xiang Nanchuan let out a long sigh, "It would be great if we could get in touch with the people in Jinghua Community. We can cooperate inside and outside to catch them all."

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