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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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"Okay, let's talk about the situation in Beicheng first."
  Chen Chong quickly typed something on the screen, "The St. An's Cult began to operate in Beicheng a year ago. At that time, all the government's attention was focused on the sixth-level zombie. They didn't notice that when the government became aware of it, the believers of the St. An's Sect became contagious like a virus."
  "It's not just Beicheng, it's like this in all bases across the country." Chen Chong's expression was solemn, "If the Wang family backfires, The person behind the scenes, then the situation in Beicheng is not optimistic."
  It took Xiang Nanchuan a long time to digest this huge amount of information. He didn't expect that so many things had happened in Beicheng in just two years. "Does Chi Yan know?"
  "I have already informed the captain. I reported that half a year ago we officially disbanded the Beicheng Chiyan team. In fact, we broke it into pieces and dispersed the various team members. After receiving the notice last night, I asked them to hide and leave Beicheng as soon as possible. We made an appointment , we will meet in Qu County in three days, and Ms. Mu and Lian will meet us there." Mu
  Dong's mother received treatment from a ghost doctor half a year ago and gained a complete animal form, and can switch between human and animal forms at will. And Qiao Xuan also woke up two months ago.
  Originally, Zheng Bin was able to retire, but the strange thing is that Zheng Bin never left the laboratory and continued to conduct experiments. However, no one knew what he was studying, and even if someone asked, he would not tell him.
  "Where's the ghost doctor?" Xiang Nanchuan wasn't sure whether the ghost doctor was willing to leave Beicheng, but Qiao Xuan was still recovering at his place, so he couldn't leave Qiao Xuan alone.
  "The ghost doctor is still safe at the moment. The most critical part of the experiment is in progress. He cannot leave the laboratory for the time being. He said that he would find a way to leave Beicheng and would not be with us. We will meet him in Qu County then."
  Xiang Nanchuan What else did he want to ask? At this moment, Xiang Nanchuan's cell phone vibrated. It was Chi Yan calling.
  Xiang Nanchuan suddenly remembered that he seemed to have not told Chi Yan about his coming to Beicheng.
  "Xiang Nanchuan!" As soon as the call was connected, Chi Yan's angry voice seemed to burst out from the phone, "Do you know what the situation is in Beicheng now? You just rushed to Beicheng like this. Do you think you are? Cats have nine lives, don't they?! You go back to the supermarket right now and don't worry about anything else!"
  Xiang Nanchuan took a deep breath and said in a consultative tone: "Chi Yan, what happened half a year ago was just an accident. If you are concerned, you will be confused. I I promise to go back to Xizhou with all my hair, and I will let you count my hair when I get back. If I lose even one hair, I will be punished by not leaving Xizhou for a year, okay?" On
  the other end of the phone, Chi Yan's breathing became heavy and he was silent for a long time.
  Xiang Nanchuan knew that Chi Yan was struggling in his heart, so he added fuel to the fire, "I can't always live under your wings, Chi Yan, I also want to be as strong as you." The
  last sentence completely shook Chi Yan . , his tone was deep, "Xiang Nanchuan, promise me that you will come back alive. I'll wait for you in Xizhou."
  After hanging up the phone, Xiang Nanchuan noticed Chen Chong's furtive gaze. He raised his eyebrows and replied. Looking over, "Your captain is my mother-in-law, let's go, go upstairs and discuss with everyone how to get out of the city." On
  the rooftop, everyone stared at the iron gate until the figures of Xiang Nanchuan and Chen Chong appeared behind the door, and everyone felt relieved. tone.
  After Chen Chong said that everyone should work together to find a way to leave Beicheng, Chi Zhonghai hesitated for a moment and said, "I know there is a way, but I don't know if it is feasible?"
  Chen Chong nodded and said, "Just tell me."
  "Military camp family area In the grove behind, there is a sewer that is not completely blocked and can lead directly to the outside of the city."
  As we all know, because sewers are prone to breeding rats, and rats are very good at entering households through sewers, the superiors ordered that all sewers in Beicheng be blocked. Chi Zhonghai was responsible for the sewer blockage work on this side of the military region. Unfortunately, there was not enough cement for construction at that time. He applied to the superiors several times, but was rejected. In the end, he had no choice but to let the earth power user use soil to block the sewer opening. .
  Xiang Nanchuan lowered his head and thought about the feasibility, then shook his head, "The family area is too far away, and our goal is too big. We have to find a way to dig out the sewer." "
  It's not impossible." Chi Zhonghai stretched out his index finger and drew a simple picture on the ground. "The closest distance is to dig from here, and a road can be dug out in half a day."
  While drawing the map in Chi Zhonghai, Chen Chong turned sideways, intentionally or unintentionally blocking the prying eyes of others.
  Xiang Nanchuan and Chen Chong looked at each other and nodded lightly. He waved his hand to erase the map, then patted the dust on his hands and said, "Okay, let's do it."
  There are two earth power users in the team, which is enough, but Who should handle the problem? Not to mention that there is still a spy in the team who has not been discovered. If the secret of the tunnel is revealed, the enemy will squat at the exit and kill them all.
  Cheng Baiyu stood up on his own initiative, "Brother Chen, let me go. I can disguise myself as a woman and will not be discovered easily."
  Cheng Baiyu is not good at martial arts, but his ability to escape is first-rate, unless he encounters someone like Yun Yan. However, the probability is very low, so Cheng Baiyu can rest assured to leave this matter to Cheng Baiyu.
  It was getting dark. Cheng Baiyu and the others had been out for three hours. According to the news he reported, the sewers in the slums would be dug out in a few hours.
  Xiang Nanchuan felt hungry, so he took out some biscuits, ham and water from his bracelet and gave them to everyone. Chen Chong and the others had not eaten for nearly a day. When they saw the food, they all rushed to open the wrapping paper and stuff the biscuits into their mouths.
  Chi Tianzong got the biscuits and water, but did not eat immediately. He nodded to Nanchuan and said thank you, "Thank you, to the store manager." Even though he was extremely hungry, Chi Tianzong still moved slowly, taking a bite of biscuits and drinking half a mouthful of water.

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