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This shopping mall is the largest shopping mall in Xizhou, with a total of seven floors, including a variety of specialty stores such as clothing, food, and groceries. Most of the counters on the first floor sell valuable goods such as jewelry, cosmetics, brand-name bags, and women's shoes. After entering the mall, no zombies were seen chasing them out after smelling the smell. A few people did not relax their vigilance and slowly approached the escalator. .

With a "boom" sound, Xiang Nanchuan suddenly turned his head, and a bottle of nail polish rolled from the back of the container to his feet.

Chi Yan pressed Xiang Nanchuan's shoulder and walked in front of him. The others stepped lightly and quietly approached the container.

When I walked around the counter, I saw that it was a zombie with a broken leg. It was fiddling with a bunch of bottles and cans. The flesh on its two legs and one arm had been eaten away. There was a hole in its belly and its intestines fell out. , it smelled the human breath and was obviously a little excited, waving its other intact hand.

Xiang Nanchuan was about to shovel the shovel down when suddenly he felt a gust of cool wind passing by his neck. Xiang Nanchuan's eyes suddenly widened, and then his eyes froze, as if a light flashed in his eyes. At the same time, he turned around suddenly and raised the shovel. The block was broken at the point where the wooden handle and the shovel were connected, and the shovel fell to the ground with a clang. If you look closely, the cut is as neat as if it had been cut by a knife.

Before turning around to Nanchuan, Chi Yan rushed over quickly, lit a ball of flame in his hand, and smashed it hard, and saw a zombie falling from the escalator.

The man next to Xiang Nanchuan rushed forward, swung the machete in his hand, and slashed at the zombie's neck. The machete fell to the ground with a harsh sound. When he looked again, the zombie's head and body were separated.

Xiang Nanchuan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that a young man who looked quite gentle could kill zombies so fiercely.

Chi Yan was also surprised to take another look at Zhong Hesheng. He quickly looked away and swung a ball of fire to burn the zombies. Xiang Nanchuan picked up the broken shovel, stirred the zombie's head, and dug out a silver-white crystal core.

Chi Yan also burned the zombie behind the counter, but the crystal core dug out from the zombie's head was transparent. The transparent crystal nucleus was the first-level crystal nucleus, and the colored one was the second-level crystal nucleus. Nanchuan also saw from the information provided by the system that the second-level crystal nucleus was not only larger than the first-level crystal nucleus, but also contained ten times the energy of the first-level crystal nucleus.

Today's zombies have evolved into second-level zombies after that rain. This zombie should have become a zombie after that rain.

Xiang Nanchuan's actions did not avoid the other people. Even though they had doubts on their faces, they all asked no questions in a sensible manner.

Xiang Nanchuan put the crystal core into his pocket, stood up and said to Chi Yan, "Let's go to the second floor."

The materials they want to collect this time are mainly food, clothes, quilts, etc. There are several fast food restaurants on the second floor, so you should be able to find a lot of food, while home decoration and large furniture are on the sixth floor.

The weather is getting colder and colder. If it continues like this, it may still snow. Xiang Nanchuan also feels cold, but not to the point of unbearable coldness. Maybe people with super powers have good physical fitness and can resist freezing, but ordinary people can't. Yes, just now Xiang Nanchuan accidentally discovered that many people were taking pills secretly. It must have been due to the cold last night.

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