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At the end of the day, the people in Jinghua Community quickly integrated into the team. There was food and drink here, and they were not worried about going back to Jinghua Community. After a group of people made trouble in the evening, they learned about Jinghua Community. It's not that safe. Thinking about it, they were able to survive so many days thanks to Zhou Hu and others who were cleaning up zombies in the community, and the two Tibetan mastiffs who guarded the gate of the community day and night.

Zhou Hu couldn't thank them enough, but he could give Dahuang and Dahei a snack to thank them for saving their lives. So the survivor, who was rich in gold coins, went to the supermarket to buy two corns every day and roasted them for Dahuang and Dahei.

The group of zombies in the evening were mostly dealt with by Hu Man and Dahuang Dahei. Seeing that they contributed a lot, Xiang Nanchuan also left all the bones of the braised pig trotters to these two dogs.

In the evening, when everyone gathered together to have dinner, it was the most relaxing time of the day. They relaxed after a tense day. Everyone talked and laughed, temporarily forgetting the grief of losing relatives and friends.

After dinner, Chi Yan called everyone together and talked about going to Xuanhe Avenue to clean up zombies tomorrow.

There are a total of thirteen superpowers in the team. Excluding Xiang Nanchuan and the others, those who took the initiative to confess to Chi Yan in the morning include those with metal superpowers, fire superpowers, speed superpowers and strength superpowers. What's gratifying is that they finally have water-type superpowers, two of them.

Probably water-type superpowers prefer women with soft physiques, and both water-type superpowers are girls.

The two water power users are only at the first level and can only provide one ton of water per day. They can't currently allow everyone to take a bath every day, but it's okay to wipe themselves with water.

There are more than 300 people in the team. Food, drink and accommodation are a problem, but the first two are not a problem. Where to stay is a problem. Sleeping in an Internet cafe last night was a helpless move, and many people got cold and sick. I bought the quilt from the mall and spent one night in the bookstore.

It was a wonderful sleep. Xiang Nanchuan woke up very early today. Yesterday, the system disappeared after leaving a message. Xiang Nanchuan was not used to it without the system acting as an alarm clock to wake him up.

After washing up, open the shop.

After daily restocking, Xiang Nanchuan scrolls down to the store page to check the products that will be unlocked below. If he clicks on the word-of-mouth value again today, he should be able to unlock watermelons, energy drinks and potatoes.

But today a special customer came to the supermarket.

Xiang Nanchuan had just finished collecting the goods when he caught a glimpse of a beautiful figure walking into the supermarket. Xiang Nanchuan thought it was Chen Xue and the others who came to buy vegetables for breakfast, so he greeted casually: "Good morning."

"Why do you sell these things here?!" The voice was so sharp that it almost pierced Xiang Nanchuan's eardrums.

Suddenly hearing the woman's surprised voice, Xiang Nanchuan looked up and frowned suddenly, why was it her again?

The short-haired woman looked at Xiang Nanchuan with something wrong in her eyes, "You also have space, right? Your space can actually be used for farming?!" The short-haired woman was jealous that such a good golden finger was not given to her, and her broken space could only be pretended. Even people can't enter the dead object. Fortunately, she was given a free power-inducing agent to awaken her power. Otherwise, she would have to sue this company for bankruptcy when she returned.

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