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Under the surprised looks of Chen Chong and others, Xiang Nanchuan hurriedly walked out the door. He ran downstairs and noticed something was wrong. Area A was particularly quiet tonight. It was not yet eight o'clock, but there was not a single person on the road. As a pedestrian, Xiang Nanchuan couldn't help but think of Adjutant Wu's reminder at noon that the base was not peaceful recently and asked him to go out less often.

His eyes swept across the street opposite, and he saw a man stumbling in front, followed by several stiff-moving people chasing him. Xiang Nanchuan's pupils shrank sharply, was that a zombie? !

There are zombies in the base?

Xiang Nanchuan subconsciously touched his lower back, and suddenly remembered that he had sent the crystal core gun out. He quickly walked to the parking place on the roadside, where the sightseeing bus was parked. He quietly approached the sightseeing bus and got on the bus. , pulled out his machete, he held the machete tightly with both hands, walked lightly towards the zombies.

The man running in front fell, and his eyes were blurred with sweat. He vaguely saw someone walking towards him. He reached out his hand excitedly, "Help, help me..."

A zombie grabbed his foot and he kicked it violently. The zombie behind him rushed up and bit him on the shoulder and face. The man was kicking his hands and feet crazily, "Go to hell!"

Xiang Nanchuan chopped off the head of a zombie with a knife. Several other zombies put down the dying man and rushed towards Xiang Nanchuan. Xiang Nanchuan dodged quickly. He kicked one zombie away with a side kick and quickly turned around. , slashed at the zombies rushing behind him with one knife.

He quickly dealt with the zombies and walked toward the man in Nanchuan. The man had been bitten by the zombies. The wound was covered with black blood and he was already infected with the zombie virus.

Xiang Nanchuan squatted down and asked him, "Why are there zombies here?"

There was fear in the man's eyes, "There are zombie rats in the base."

Zombie rat? Animals are more flexible than humans and are very sensitive to danger. In the early days of the apocalypse, there are not many animals infected with zombie viruses. On the other hand, once these animals are infected with zombie viruses, they will definitely be a great threat. Xiang Nanchuan rarely encounters zombie animals in Xizhou, but he did encounter them on the way to the provincial capital. They are ferocious and brutal. After careful consideration, Xiang Nanchuan and the others decided not to make peace with each other. They faced each other, but directly shook them away.

It has just snowed these past few days, and the weather is so cold. Most animals have hibernated, and even zombie animals are frozen. Where did this zombie rat come from? Why haven't I heard of it before?

The man opened his eyes in vain, saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, and made a "ho ho" sound from his throat. At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab Xiang Nanchuan.

Xiang Nanchuan slashed with his knife, dug out the crystal core from the zombie's head, and looked upstairs.

He trotted upstairs and saw that Chen Chong and the others had opened the door and were waiting for him to come back. Xiang Nanchuan carefully closed the door and told Chen Chong that a zombie rat had appeared in their base.

Chen Chong and the others had just seen Xiang Nanchuan killing zombies on the balcony. They wanted to go down to support them, but before they could go down, Xiang Nanchuan killed the zombies himself.

Chen Chong frowned and thought, "If there were signs beforehand, it would be impossible for the officials not to warn the survivors in advance."

They received so little information that even Chen Chong was unable to make an accurate judgment.

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