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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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When I swung it, I felt like I hit something, making a crisp "clang" sound, and then I saw ice cubes the size of my fingers falling down.
  Qiao Xuan felt the temperature around him drop sharply, as if it instantly changed from scorching summer to freezing winter. He shivered from the cold.
  With the sound of "ta-da-da" and the sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground, a slim figure appeared in front of them. They had not seen them for a long time. This woman still looked heroic. This time she was dressed in a smart outfit. The only thing that surprised people was Yes, it was the scars on her face that spread from the bridge of her nose to her earlobes, making her bright face a bit gloomy.
  She looked at them and smiled, the scars on her face getting more and more ferocious, "It's been a long time no see."

Chapter 97
  Cheng Liya, an ice power user, the golden finger is a crow's mouth.
  The last time they met was a year ago, at the Tianlong base, Li Guang blew himself up and exchanged his life for Yun Yan's, seriously injuring Cheng Liya and Wu Hongwei, who had transformed into a giant eagle.
  In one year, Cheng Liya's abilities improved a lot. Chen Chong felt a huge sense of oppression just standing in front of her. Chen Chong judged that he was no match for her. Not to mention that there were people with wood and earth abilities secretly watching. In an instant, Chen Chong made a decision.
  Cold sweat broke out on Qiao Xuan's forehead. He knew he couldn't hold on for long. He touched his nose, and then put a palm on his shoulder. Qiao Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and the code was correct.
  Qiao Xuan raised his hand with great effort, and the iron ball slowly floated up, paused for half a second, and then flew towards Cheng Liya at an astonishing speed.
  After exhausting the last trace of his superpower, the small gray energy ball emerged from his body again and jumped up and down, quite showcasing his power.
  Seeing Qiao Xuan's figure crumbling, Mu and Lianyan quickly grabbed him.
  Cheng Liya watched the iron ball flying with cold eyes and waved her hand. The surface of the iron ball quickly condensed into ice, forming a big ice ball in the blink of an eye.
  But even so, the speed of the big ice ball flying toward her continued unabated, and it tended to accelerate.
  A huge sense of crisis hit her heart. Cheng Liya frowned and tried to increase the power output in vain. The ice on the ice ball accumulated more and more, and finally formed a giant ice ball and stopped in front of her.
  wrong! Cheng Liya finally realized that she had been fooled!
  Pointing her toes and sliding her body back, she opened her mouth and shouted, her voice a little broken, "Chen Tian, ​​Ouyang!" Before she could
  finish her words, a wall of earth was pulled up from the ground and blocked in front of Cheng Liya.
  At the same time, countless vines flew in and wrapped around the huge ice ball.
  "Boom, boom, boom -" a deafening explosion sounded, and with the exploding ice ball, broken ice flew away.
  Time went back to 3 seconds ago. Mu and Lian grabbed Qiao Xuan, threw him on his back, put his front paws on the ground, and quietly jumped up with force. Seeing this, Chen Chong quickly jumped up and followed.
  Qiao Xuan lay down behind Cheng Liya, feeling the movement behind him, narrowing his eyes and smiling like a cunning fox.
  In fact, Qiao Xuan only melted the iron sheet of the vehicle into a ball. There was a sealed space inside, and the engine was still running. The fuel tank was full, and there was a small gas bottle for cooking in the trunk of the car... It would have exploded if he didn't want it. Difficult.
  By the time Cheng Liya reacted and faced the exploding ice ball, they had already escaped.
  I'm really a genius, to think of such an insidious trick, "Qiao Xuan" thought happily.
  Mu and Lian were running very fast, and the scenery on both sides was retreating rapidly. Chen Chongrao tried his best to catch up, but was still far behind by Mu and Lian.
  After a short burst of energy, Chen Chong gradually lost strength and felt that his legs were as soft as noodles. Mu and Lian could not even see their shadows in front of them. Chen Chong was running out of breath. Seeing that he couldn't catch up, he had to slow down and stop. He put his hands on his knees. Sweat dripped down his face and he had no time to wipe it off.
  He panted and thought, when he was chased and bitten by zombies, he had never tried to run so fast.
  At the junction of heaven and earth, the sunset glows like a red ribbon. Tired birds return to the forest and rest on the branches. The uninhabited wilderness becomes more quiet and desolate. Only the howls like wild beasts sound from time to time. The sound shows a sense of existence and is also frightening.
  Chen Chong didn't dare to stay any longer, not to mention when Cheng Liya and the others would catch up. He was an ordinary person who "had no power to restrain a chicken". If he really encountered any wild beast, it would be enough for him to eat a pot.
  As he walked, he carefully searched for the footprints left by Mu and Lian.
  There was a swamp ahead, where Mu and Lian's footprints disappeared. The rancid mud is mixed with a sweet smell.
  This smell is so familiar, datura flowers!
  Chen Chong smelled the dangerous smell, but before his brain could react, his body jumped up suddenly as if it was a conditioned reflex.

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