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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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Chi Yan had been standing behind Xiang Nanchuan before, and Liya didn't notice him because of his low presence. When they met now, Liya's anger welled up in her heart.
  The snipers lurking in the dark were not idle either. They aimed at Leah's figure and nervously pulled the trigger.
  The bullets came through the wind, and the tips of Leah's ears twitched slightly. The moment she turned around, she blocked the ice blade in front of her.
  The bullet hit the ice blade, and there was a "ding" sound, and the ice blade suddenly broke into several pieces.
  Leah let out a small growl.
  Leah's shout was like a signal. At the same time, the scarred man turned into a bird of prey. He flapped his wings and flew quickly to the container.
  With a claw grab, the mountains of containers collapsed. Hu Man, who was lying on the container, immediately staggered around. He hurriedly threw out a vine, wrapped one end around the steel frame above, and hung the whole person in the air.
  Everyone else was also thrown to pieces. They quickly got up from the ground, picked up the crystal core guns, and locked onto the giant eagle.
  At this time, the giant eagle swooped down from the tall container, and pecked Xiang Nanchuan hard with its hooked beak.
  Xiang Nanchuan was about to escape. At this moment, Xiang Nanchuan felt like he was being suppressed by a heavy object and couldn't breathe.
  He opened his mouth and asked silently: "1314, what are his superpowers and golden finger?"
  "Didi - after testing, illegal traveler Wu Hongwei, a gravity power user, golden finger turned into an animal.
  " From a distance of less than one meter, Xiang Nanchuan could clearly see the giant eagle's extremely sharp beak, as if it could carve out a bloody hole in a person's body with just one peck.
  Xiang Nanchuan quickly threw himself down, rolled over, and successfully escaped from the giant eagle's claws.
  Suddenly a hot fireball fell on the giant eagle, and its plump wings burned instantly. The fire spread quickly, and you could vaguely smell the burning meat. The giant eagle roared in pain. He flapped his wings and whipped up a gust of wind, trying to extinguish the fire on his body. However, the stronger the wind, the stronger the fire. The giant eagle turned its head and called for help to Leah.
  Yun Yan clicked his tongue in disgust, and then the sand poured down from the sky and landed on the back of the giant eagle. Half of his body was submerged in the sand. The sand temporarily extinguished the fire on his back.
  The giant eagle shook off the sand on its body, flapped its wings and flew again.

Chapter 82:
  The dense bullets fell on the giant eagle. Unlike the imagined skin and flesh torn apart, the giant eagle's feathers were well protected. Compared with the pain of the blazing fire just now, this pain is still bearable. among. But for the giant eagle, it is undoubtedly a provocative behavior.
  The giant eagle seemed to be angered. He raised his neck and let out a long chirp. In an instant, everyone felt as if they were being suffocated by a heavy object. The giant eagle flapped its wings and flew to the shelf. Several people hiding behind the shelves fled in panic. The giant eagle grabbed a person with its claws and threw him out.
  The man flew out like a kite with its string cut off. His body banged against the wall, and then slowly fell to the ground. He lay motionless on the ground, his life and death unknown.
  Under the cover of Qin Han, Mu Dong came to the wall and squatted down to check the opponent's injuries. The young man kept vomiting blood from his mouth and was breathing weakly. Fortunately, he was still alive. He seemed to have suffered internal injuries, several bones were broken, and he was not suitable for moving. Mudong felt the other person's body, first determined which ribs were broken, and then set his bones.
  Mudong studied on his own with medical books for a while, and even asked the ghost doctor Zheng Bin for advice several times. Trivial matters like setting a bone were not a big deal.
  At this time, the hanging Hu Man climbed up to the steel frame along the vines. He released the vines to disturb the giant eagle from time to time, deliberately diverting his attention.
  When the giant eagle wanted to take off, the vines wrapped around its talons. When the giant eagle wanted to flap its wings, the vines grabbed its wings like claws. The giant eagle was extremely annoyed. The little bug was too cunning and hid in the steel frame above. The giant eagle couldn't fly up, and his claws scratched the floor.
  The air seemed to be stagnant for a moment, and invisible pressure squeezed him. Hu Man found that his body could not move, and it was difficult to even move a finger. He clung to the steel frame beneath him, and uneasily wrapped himself and the steel frame with vines to prevent himself from falling into the mouth of the giant eagle that was eyeing him eagerly below.
  Seeing that Hu Man could no longer hold on, Mu Dong set the bones as quickly as possible and then treated his wounds.
  The man opened his eyes with force, weakly said two words "thank you", and passed out again.
  Qin Han picked him up and took him away.
  Just when Hu Man felt that he had been crushed into a puddle of mud, the gravity that was pressing on him was suddenly released. Hu Man escaped from death. He couldn't help but take a big breath. After experiencing the pressure of Mount Tai, for a moment he seemed to have a "physical feeling". The illusion of being "light enough to float".
  Hu Man quickly shook off the inappropriate fantasies in his mind, cheered up, and rejoined the battlefield.

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