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"I Open a Supermarket in the End of the World" by: Night is Cool Like Water

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They never tasted meat again, and god knows they were going crazy wanting to eat meat.
  Brother Kun pondered for a moment, "Wu Zi, go and get my pack of cigarettes."
  Wu Zi hesitated and said, "Brother Kun, isn't that pack of cigarettes going to Chenghai Base..." The most valuable thing among them is the pack of cigarettes. , this cigarette is not cheap even before the end of the world. Originally, they planned to use this pack of cigarettes as a stepping stone to bribe people at the Chenghai base so that they could quickly integrate into the local environment.
  Brother Kun said impatiently: "Go if I ask you to!"
  Wu Zi immediately went to the car to get cigarettes and went to the opposite side to exchange supplies with them.
  Xiang Nanchuan doesn't smoke and doesn't recognize this brand, but he can tell by looking at the packaging that it's not cheap. He raised his chin at Mudong and said, "See what they want. You take them to get it."
  Chi Yan made a gesture, Qin Han Seeing him, he followed him silently.
  The ingredients they usually eat, such as potatoes and corn, which can be stored for a long time, are placed in the trunk of the van. As for vegetables and meat, Xiang Nanchuan takes them out from the warehouse every day. He eats as much as he can, which saves him a lot of trouble today.
  Mu Dong brought him a bag of potatoes, about twenty kilograms, plus three kilograms of marinated mutton.
  Wu Zi's expression looked very happy, and he was probably satisfied with this transaction.
  After lunch, Xiang Nanchuan and the others returned to the car and continued on their way, and soon separated from Wu Zi and the others.
  As a result, they were delayed on the road and arrived at Chenghai Base the next morning.
  By coincidence, when they were registering to enter the city at the gate of the base, they met Wu Zi and others again.
  The person handling the formalities asked them where they came from.
  Wu Zi replied: "Tianyang Base."
  Xiang Nanchuan was surprised and couldn't help asking, "Are you coming from Tianyang Base?"
  Wu Zi turned around when he heard the voice and saw that it was Xiang Nanchuan and the others who had met him once before, and he was happy to say "What a coincidence, you also came to Chenghai Base?"
  Xiang Nanchuan asked them, "Isn't Tianyang Base the largest base in the south? Why did you come to the north?"
  Wu Zi opened his mouth and said calmly, "You guys I don’t know, the Tianyang base is in chaos right now..." The
  leader of the man coughed, interrupting Wu Zi. He glanced at Chi Yan subconsciously and nodded to him, "Let’s go to the city first."
  Xiang Nanchuan and the others handled the matter . After completing the entry procedures, they expected to stay at the Chenghai base for a few days, so they temporarily paid the three-day entry fee and a hundred secondary crystal cores.
  After completing the formalities, they saw Wu Zi and others waiting at the entrance.
  The leading man came over and said, "My name is Feng Kun, and I am the captain of this team." Chi Yan shook hands with him, "Hello, I am the captain of the Chi Yan team, Chi Yan."   Feng Kun had a look on his face
"Sure enough" expression.
  Xiang Nanchuan looked at him and said, "Do you know us?"
  "Captain Chi, I have long admired my name." As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Nanchuan, "This must be the manager of Good Luck General Store, manager Xiang."
  Xiang Nanchuan I was really curious, "How did you recognize us?"
  "I was skeptical at first, but after seeing the ingredients you exchanged, I was sure it was you."
  Xiang Nanchuan asked him about the situation at Tianyang Base.
  The group of people walked and talked.
  Chenghai Base was originally a small fishing village. The scale of the base was very small. There were less than 100,000 survivors. Seafood hung on the sun of every household. Chenghai Base was close to the sea. The most indispensable thing was seafood. There was no one hanging on the balcony. steal.
  Feng Kun continued: "The St. An's Church and Mayor Chen colluded together and blatantly preached in the base." Feng Kun thought it was very ridiculous. "Some people I know, under the brainwashing of the St. An's Church, became crazy after success or failure." They all joined the St. An's Cult and wanted to drag me into the religion. The St. An's Cult also sent people to guard the supermarket and did not let anyone go in to shop except their own people."
  Xiang Nanchuan did not expect that they only left two people. It’s only been a month and so much has happened. "Where is Major General Xu Luo? Doesn't he care?"
  "After Commander He became seriously ill, the military region was put in charge of Major General Xu Luo. Major General Xu Luo's attitude was ambiguous and he wanted to stay in a corner and allowed the base to become chaotic. We really had no choice. I can’t buy anything in the supermarket. It’s not only dangerous to go outside to collect supplies, but I’m still worried about being stabbed at any time when I come back. I can’t even get a good night’s sleep.”
  Xiang Nanchuan asked, “Do you know Qiao Donghua from Team Dragon? They how was it?"

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