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The sightseeing bus drove slowly through Area C. They witnessed more than one robbery incident on the bus. A woman was dragged into an alley with her mouth covered while walking on the road. Fortunately, she was rescued by passers-by before Xiang Nanchuan and the others could take action. come out.

Especially when they saw a group of people fighting privately in the street, with thunder, lightning, fire, water and wood smashing in the air. Xiang Nanchuan and others were stunned for a while. Although Area C was a little more chaotic compared to other areas, there was never anyone. Dare to kill and rob in the street, let alone kill each other in the base.

Xiang Nanchuan thought for a moment and said, "Chen Chong, please go find out what happened at the base later."

The situation in Area C is better, but there are not as many survivors on the street as before. Passers-by are walking in a hurry and look wary. There are only a few people setting up stalls, and the entire commercial street looks extremely depressed.

The sightseeing bus stopped in front of the supermarket and went to the store in Nanchuan. Chen Chong went out to inquire about the news, leaving Xu Yuan and Mu Dong in the car to prepare for tonight's dinner.

Xiang Nanchuan first checked the sales of the past two days. Purified water was still the best seller, followed by poultry and vegetable products, with 100,000 copies sold every day. The sales volume of crystal core guns had increased in the past two days. , although not many people can afford it, the price is high. Just by selling crystal core guns, the daily turnover can reach 100,000 gold coins. Especially yesterday, Major General Xu Luo bought 500 guns at once. He likes it best. Such a wealthy person who is not short of money.

Several hundred bottles of functional drinks were actually sold. It was expected that functional drinks would be the best sellers in the future. Xiang Nanchuan opened the warehouse and took inventory, and then purchased another batch of goods. By the time he finished all these, it was almost dark.

Xiang Nanchuan looked outside and saw that there were only about a hundred people queuing at the front door. If it were this time in the past, the customers queuing outside would not be able to see the end of the queue.

When a customer was checking out, he casually asked Xiang Nanchuan, "What happened at the base these two days?"

The short-haired woman obviously didn't expect that Xiang Nanchuan would talk to her. She was startled, "Boss, are you talking to me?" When Xiang Nanchuan said yes, she was about to speak when her throat felt dry and she lowered her head and coughed twice. , voice slightly hoarse, said, "After the zombie rats appeared two days ago, the base became such a mess. No one dared to go out at night. There used to be patrols to take care of it, but now patrols rarely show up."

Xiang Nanchuan took a look at the woman. She was wearing a bloated cotton coat and had unkempt hair. Her appearance could not be clearly seen. She could vaguely see that her skin was dark. Xiang Nanchuan's gaze fell down and was fixed on the back of her hand holding the bag, where the skin color was different. Looks too fair.

Women's physical fitness is more than a little worse than men's, so after the apocalypse, women's survival rate is very low. If they can't support themselves, they can only rely on men to survive like Shizi. A single woman like the one in front of her should be former. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you have to be careful all day long to watch out for people with malicious intentions. Covering up your beauty is one of the ways to protect yourself.

Xiang Nanchuan reminded me tactfully, "You seem to have carried too many things. It's getting late, and the base has been a bit unstable recently. Please pay attention to your safety."

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